The Charlotte Observer from Charlotte, North Carolina (2024)

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The Charlotte Observeri

Charlotte, North Carolina

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Morcharodiso Merchandise Merchandise mursnUntiallair Employment I Titt (Charlet? Mfistrutr Employment 60 Mole Help MAY A 1953 11-B Employment 12ell 1 THEN 60 Mali Help Employment WANTED ExperienceciL Female Help a i mechanic BOOKKEEPER Splendid spoor Gothings Motor Co Inc tunity to grow with OCOMPall) Bog NI 220 Tryon Ph 4-6861 46 Household Goods CO 32g Long 2-13gg 110SPFECCEED good condition $65 3-5248 nEFRMERATOR GE IMO I cu ft eminent condition 6125 5-6024 PAM rrth roorni7liviaitlich: en bedroom Good condition 4300 2434 Columbus Circle 45-A Sports tquipment top new boxed for sale Sacrifice Roe A58 Observer DOATS JOHNSON MOTOTS" The lamest dignity of boats end ynarine equipment you've ever seen Visit pi before you buy OPEN 8 EAVX-11 'TO 5 We service what we tell Creech Motorcycle Co Inc 201 Morehead Ph 2-7675 45-B Cameros Supplies tu-D5AK SS Alonzo finder ail and case 1148 GE exposure meter and case $18 3-8464 MOVIE CAMERA 8 Dim Pro item miscellaneous accessories Box Hickory 46 Household Goods OD USEtrtitfitTatfirATOWr friendly Sales 411 Trade 34883 50 Musical Morchandiso PtANO Medium 44211-5 $75 84318- Bros Piano Co 2-8547 VIDTK-har-size 15 $4482 Don icht3 rdson Sells only good guaranteed pianos and electronic organs 7th Hawthorne 4-1079 SPINET-PIANO ASSUME PAYMENTS Beautiful tittle spinet mane has been returned with full 88-note key board Like new bench to match Now guarantee Will sell to responsible person Small down payment required Continue Paying small monthly Payments Ask for Credit Mgr Piano Dept KIDDFRIX 820 Morehead Open daily 9 to 9 1 Lc r6q a A 4 pod f4 i pk jip wIIR A FAO 61 Help SEC-IIETARY Prefer experienced single lady dietaphone general of-hoe work iiday week ideal and pl working conditions Writs A-4 Observer Apply Center Theatre 1:30 to 4-30 STENOGRAPHER experienced in shorthand or dictaphone 44 day week APPLY Sealy 117 3rd Friday or Saturday WAITRESS experienced Good Pay Good hours Corollas Sweets 317A ryon GIRL (white) experienced for family finish checker APPIY in per son North State Laundry ASE-70rnta OR egis- tered 100 bed general hospital central North Carolina good and living quarters Writs A39 Ob server YOUNG MEN 18-25 For instollation of telephone central office equipment Must be high school graduate or equivalent Call 6-1733 for appoint ment interview TWO COOKS wanted whit or col tired one all-round cook sid one short Order cook Must be sober Cool Mich en Resort town Broadway Cafe Morehead City LOAN MANAGER permanerit Position in A good business Proposition for right man Experience necessary Salary plus high bonus Write giving age experience ete to Jackson 416 Main St Winston-Saleb Prefer core in textile and standard cost Write Box K47 Observer and fur nish fuull details of background and experience DRAFTSMAN Ole-o-clefeik715eteif er and stock biller preferably school and laboratory equipment experience Permanent position Write Modern1 Woodwork 600 East Carl StriseLl Richmond Va BILLING CLERK WANTED by Class 1 Motor Carrier 6 day week Free group insurance Experienced in typing figures Call Mr Teague 4-9761 Seet NEWEST FLOORS walls cab met taps easiest cleanest kitchen metal weatherstrip Rost Equipment 912 4th St 3-0321 Mattress Renovating Collins Mattress 7-11111 innersprings available now Rave ours renovated 34241 $20-440'13 after REFRIGERATOR Firestone Like new 24313 Secretary Wanted Must be experienced Good salary 5-day week Insurance benefits and many other extra advantages Call collect 5-8513 Charlotte 53 Business Office Eqpt Typewriters For Rent All makes and sizes Special low rental rate to students A' DANCY Co 215 Second Phone 427043 TYPEWRITER -DESK and chair Ati metal steel $135 8833 54 Cool Wood Oil HERRIR-BROST-COAL-11 Fuel Oils Kerosene Dial 2-2193 for Good Coal 1315 ft College 3-8881 55 rewelery 11-AWTHOW- Diamond Merchants 702 Independence Bldg Phone 14228 LOMAX JEWEEERS monde Bargains I35A Tryon St 56 Building Materials AUMIAMI WINDOWS Industrial Steel 34217 WRECKING HOUSE-Furnace hot air pipe brick hearth 2x10 4x10 her Sheeting large windows oak mirror mantel gas pip 4 in coat iron pipe: alvo 14x16 ft stripped frome building to be moved five 10" round columns with bases 1328 Eliza heth Ave Plf-GRAVEL 4 yarns 89 Crushed stone 4275 ton 567267 Cement $125 but Mortar Mix 11105 bat Finish Lima 71 Rough Plaster 128 CAROLINA SAS DOOR CO "Everything For The Builder" 1300 Central Ave Phone 3-3114 metal White enamel 50 lb CO 3-3280 S-6 "I don't care what people say about mother-in-law you're different" s-A PIANOS Is tto Mop triblik REXAIR SALES SERVICE Louise Ave Call 492011 See Sam Cook Fielding Cabinet Shop 2738 Monroe Rd Ph 54412 eonditIon Snook Brothers 1020 Central Ave HOW OFFICE GIRL General office work Typing essential Must be high school araduate Call Mr Dr or Ms Stewart $-2111i Western Auto Supply Co tit Trynn Stenographer-Secretary Permanent position with national' Organization Must be capable of assuming responsibility No short: hand but must be good typist ego Perienced in tilling dictsphone ndaY week Pleasant working conditiona In beautiful air conditioned Group insurance paid vacation Call 7-2n35 for appointment WATCH MAKER Wanted Experienced watchmaker age 25 to 45 This is a lob with a future Salary open Apply Personnel Office SEARS ROEBUCK CI CO 700 Tryon MOORES SEWING MACHINES ELEC APPLIANCES SALES SERVICE 403 Trade Ph 44108 Baldwin Acrosonic Gulbronsen Meh lin Cy Sons SPINET PIANOS also Baldwin Electronic Organs Wide selection ot used Plano 1- Uprights and Grand' Terms to SIJIL MECHANICAL or Electrical Engin tier wanted few heating ventilating and air conditioning Electric tem nerature control engineering Good future for qualified man Write Post Office Box 3073 Greensboro RECEPTIONIST Mature: TYping Posting 33 hours 5 dam Salary 3130 Downtown office A ddra se replies to Box K-49 Observer ICE r-MA cellent opportunity in growing Ashe villa dairy plant Write James Clarke Box 1131Asheville Nest iiinesiting man experienced Mutts' in person to Dobbins SNOOK BROTHERS 1020 Central Ave COUNTER MAN exeerieneed be teen 2040 Good opportunity Air port 97" Restaurant ADU ATE Large multinle line insurance eompanY Charlotte branch office Offers tin usual opportunity for right man un der 30 to learn inside end of bud mess Strictly salaried position Pref erably exempt from military serv ice will consider veteran inactive status Permanent position idee week Full IMP10Y benefits State age qualifications family reanonsiWales physical condition and edit cationai background enclose photo graph to Box T-35 Observer TELFKING 20" blond TV 2-8654 WITtft-Htlarttrt tag automi tie 30 gallon Perfect condition 120 4-6200 MIAROR Gold hied corner cup board desk chifforobe Twin beds rugs wardrobe 3-4992 after 5 4-74047- I ni WASHER -67E Wiligertrae-iiii good condition $40 6-8605 GAA-ItAisiGE-Malic-Cher-rieds complete dining table 2-2811 PiRNITIMErtigs-toTS-roon-11171-ns 2318 Kenmore evenings trURNITLiftE Living room be room and kitchen Good condition 8-4723 C11174A-Z-C tique bow front mirrored 6-1741 rga in Lawndersli Automatic Washer $60 Terms if desired 2415 Central Ave Phone 4-0525 ilefrigerator GE Perfect $50 4-0748 it-1171257-Sin-a11 lerVeri reasonable 2-6048 ROM 10eu it Almost new Reasonable Phone 5 $277 Automatic deluxe table too $85 2-0192 NOFA Queen Ain perrfect Qom $250 3-6649 1 I A' pit i Alf I 1 It Vic faiiPri sy 11 411W lps 1 OF 1 A FARRIS BROS 117 IL College Ph f13388 PAINTERS for work in Norfolk Call Charlotte 5-1466 Wholesale phonograph distributor Good working conditions Opportunity for advancement Apply to Jim Lee 500 College St BROS CASE WAITRESS experienced settled Preferred Hours 342 (No phone calls) Apply in person 1722 South Blvd (lute) CaU 47788 or 22427 MEDIC At LABORATORY technician wanted registered 1 or unregistered or someone who can do routine blood work and learn under a registered technician college graduate to be full technician Full main tenance hospital insurance vacations social security and old age pension Salary open Apply Blackwelder Hospital Inc Lenoir North Carolina Stenographer-Secretory Permanent position requiring shorthand and typing bookkeeping training or experience helpful Good hours uptown air conditioned office 5 day week Pleasant working conditions Salary commensurate with ability and experience State qualifications fully age vid telephone number in re oly to Box X-79 Observer 1 Roofing aiding Modernization terms Century Construction Co 3-6401 Crushed stone and gravel Cochran Ross Coal Co 2-7149 Experienced welding SUPPiV Splendid opportunity for a producer Box A-2 Observer Merchandise KIMBRELL'S INC A "Dependable Corner Trade-College Stanley Prnductaruhes -117171 Chemicals Mn Mauney 3-7983 USED REFRIdERAtORS Rangel Large selection Low prices Plaza Hdwe 1513 Central Ave SALES SERVICE 519 Church St Call 49208 Birdhouses porch swings all types woodcraft 34918 3313 Wilkinson Blvd Ph 38158 SAVE ON Septic Tank Material Au-4 try Concrete Products County 5412 0 Swap IBM KEY PUNCH OPERATOR rsperience essential 5-da7 weel Paid vacation Apply Morrie' American and Efird Mills Inc Mt7 14011Y WAITRESS experienced Evening shift Apply Robertson DriveIn Grills 1901 IL Blvd EG ISTER ED NURSES urgently needed 80 bed 44 hour week boa pital in lovely land of lake and breeze Adequate housing good Pay: Write at once giving full qualifications to Winterhaven Hospitals Nursing Director WinterhaveN Florida Nursing Director PERSONAL SECRETARY Wanted for office work or travel when nee's' eery Will be located in Eastern' Mirth Carolina Writs A-57t Ohm var PIANO CO- Est 1907 "House of Baldwin" 117 6th 61575 Free Parking PrANO Coiliht Good condition COO Call 2-5645 51 Radio-Television I Flooring Machine Mao 1 Hardwood Dry Kris Operator and Lumber Inspector (preferably corn Intuition man) 1 Good Hardwood Lumber Diaper Ina wanted Apply X-00 cars FLECTRIC RANGE and electric refrigerator Reasonable 5-2303 1706T14- 1 "me "rnigning5- WASHER Few Spindlier 85072-4858 BED1 Double box 8orInts 1 "Complete Home Furnishings" g721111 isTEVANIA TV 20" complete practically new 4-2784 8 it per feet $50 4-3959 46-A Wearing Apparel BA-BY BED Stork lino complete ex ellent condition Reationabole 4-19Ia KITCHEN CABINET porcelain top table 120 both 22050 SHORT ORDER COOK first class with long experience Must be sober ti-day week night work High sales's Paid for right man APIA' In person Picadilly Grill 1418 Morehead UNERAL LABOR wanted for Charlotte plant of national concern Age 22 to 35 Apply 800 Gesco St or write Box 8006 Charlotte stating age previous jobs physical con dition Marital status wages desired DAIRY With family to take charge of 40 cows milking feeding and delivering milk once I day Write A7 Observer 10 DAY SPECIAL Conip)ete out side televilon antenna Installed Sla50 42950 TA iarge screen Sell or rent $100 per day 47031 WILL THALIFI or gen to mersr mobile STEEL CAsem*nT WINDOWS Industrial Steel 39211 transmitter and receiver less power supply and Cry Mal 4 good multi Industria Steel 3-9217 SLIDING STEEL anyed phonograph turntables 3-5098 GOOD HARD ANTICUr-ERICH- Will swap-1946fiTriouth 4 door de 100000 See Samples at 1328 Eliza hike for pickup truck Call Mat thews 2291 beth Ave ettAlct your own gits 50-foot -59 Wonted to Buy aliminum ladders for rent 82 per day per week owsipy BEER COOLER wanted 4 foot and Sons Phony 1-8444 Pineville I Phone 24T Rd We nii-- Office Equipment antiques Flirter Fiat It Fern Co 208 Trade St Ph 8287 ITIOHEST PRICES-W41D Scrap iron and metal Schwartz St Song Inc 2-4205 citINA Silver Cut gliii-TiFnituri and antiques 4-2488 WASTE-PAP-E-ft -watila-C-iih-liiitT Chesapeake Paper Co 701 Seat Fifth WILL tRADPI or sell 10 meter mobile tranamitter and receiver less power supply and Cr Mal 4 good multi speed phonograph turntables 3-5098 Will swap 1948 Plymouth 4 door de hiss for pickup truck Call Mat thews 2291 LINDTYPEPERATOR and Print er Daily NewsEnterprise Newton OfER-AlUlt ExperiencedThTTCnYrti Asphalt Distributor Fermi nent employment Carolina Paving Company 1810 Central Ave PARTS MAN wanted with either automotive or tractor parts experien( dge 25 to 40 Good position for right person Address replies 0 Box 1192 Charlotte BEGitttnErn3AttaR--Witlia either PARTS MAN wanted with automotive or tractor parts experien( dge 25 to 40 Good position for right person Address replies to Box rttGattnErnmtiteR7vviiia 1192 Charlotte GAS RANGE Full size new condi tion $50 MS Kimberly Rd after fins Original Champ man Complete with shade Call 0-5715 before noon after Wool Presser or Silk Fin1 isher experienced Master' Cleaners Inc 1 809 Corn monweolth Ave Pd Single complete CO 7178-4 SOFA BED $12 1-0056 a ter 6 American Steward eases See Ad Page 2A pH1mps-43erntrts--- RADIO AND Tv REPAIRS Rog WR Palmer Dial 4-6379 AND SERVICE ECTING building corner Palmer We Use Exact Replacement Parte and College Knight Bros Furniture Co 3-2" Sheetrock 245M Inc GYPSUM Lath 6115 Mil 1117 Petrillo St Gypsum Sheeting 115551 Charlotte Phone 64424 10x12 Plain Rail Window 6410 CAROLINA SASH de DOOR CO "Everything For The Builder" TELEVISION 1300 Central Ave Phone 33144 REPOSSESSION iNi-NOtitisr-ctiLLITY----1 TinWill: 21" vim! model 1Jst like new sheathing flooring doors and plumb-No down Partrht Pick up monthly ins 200000 brick payments Dixie tee 400 SIAAJ'S WRECKING CO TrYor Phone 6-0525 Aluminum Corrugated Roofing Industrial Steel 39217 PHILLIPS-BUILDERS 1104 Palmer Dial 4-6379 RECITING building 6 cOrner Palmer and College 3-8" Sitetrock $113 som Gypsum Lath ha Gypsum Sheeting $55m 10x12 Plain Rail Window $410 CAROLINA SASH Is DOOR CO "Everything For The Builder" used clothing Gas king 326 East Trade Street FUR COAT Mink dyed krat hest Quality size 15 cost 2500 Sell 6250 7-2697 VEWDING DRESS Plush satin 14-16 full veil cost $150 Make offer 33424 47 Awnings Ven Blinds WON'T BUY venetian blinds we Lye you an estimate We save you money Blinds washed retaped and painted Newton and Newton New Awnings Boat Repairs Sunset Awning Co 6-9788 We meal tire your windows Call 53652 day fl 2240 sights tire your windows Call 53652 day 4 2240 rights SOFA 4 cushion brown Lawson Ftavthoon TV 20" 1 year old $IM 2242 nedu preferred teefeSheoithawnig rr consicin ri helpful but not esasetitial Large insurance firm in Johnston Build-tunas: Full MPIOYPO benefits 5- day week No overtime 261M eilwnaagyqwuenellittfoicraRtrin oprpisy8 ndT-3aIObfatelttryntir 1111: wanted Will give guarantee to good man GRILL la COUNTER WORK -Moat Gaddy's Barber Shop Sanford NC ibe reliable sober Morning hours MILL HELP WANTED i Donut Dinette 2125 North Tryon Loom Fixers Wary and filling dot IhECEPTIONIST TYPIST-Z-5n (era weavers spinners slasher ten day week Must be good typist and ders long chain beamer tenders and have pleasing Personality Blubber tenders Apply in writing town location Pleasant working eon stating age and experience to: 1 A VW tyrrTrtv AFT rnur IA wAy ditions Call 5116811 for appointment 'Blubber le-nders--Ap ply have pleasing Pereonality Down stating age and experienee to: 'LANE COTTON MLLLS COMPANY town location Pleasant working eon ditions Call 541681 or appointment MACHINIST Experienced Close tolerance A pp' Carolina Metal Products 2222 BLVD Bamboo Porch Window Blinds LABORATORY TECHNICIAN have immediate opening for an experienced laboratory techni clan who ie qualified to do work in bacteriology Ideal working conditions with quarters in a practically new nurse bums Scotland County Memorial Hospital Laurinburs North Caro lino WANTED FREE I Million glass jugs 1 gallon size Will pick up Call 6-1922 or write 610 Mc Ninth St I $595 Se Si 10 $795 8 7 $395 I 7 717 84 95 43 Communications received USt Be Sold with matching speaker In excellent' ENT operating condition 5-3254 I Completing 13211 Elizabeth cleaned brick lumber pipe etc awnings aluminum screens orna- c2 mentil rails John Dellinger 4-5670 Business Office Eqpt PINE FLOORING $75 COMPLETE BLIND SERVICE Dric15irgubstantLil NO 2 COM SECR Newton Newton R14 Trsde Ph 2 0795 MANAGER Wanted Experienced for established VFW Club serving i meals Must be able to furnish bond and references required Writel 434 Cadiz Street REGISTERED NURSES Club Observer X-69 New Orleans La Medical and Surgical floors 3-day BARBER wanted Second chair Mod FINISH CARPENTERS Several week LIVIflit in accommodations I wanted Call 5-5477 Starting 11111177 $220 month with ern Shoo steady business Apply Ste gall'a Barber Shop Hamlet TRUCK SLTIVIIE MANAGER bonus for evening and night duty 30- Excellent compensation Write qual minutes by train from New York Citsi A PERSONNEL DIRECTOR Quinn Barton Company Mentions Including recent Picture Apply 1 NASSAU HOSPITAL MINEOLA Excellent Compensation Write Qual-IY- ifiesttons Including Recent Picture IMMEDIATE OPENING Experien Quinn pRo trxte'173(Company ed (female) Xray technician Full maintenance Salary open Contact Jacksonville 3 Florida EGISTER flD NURSES Medical and Surgical floors S-day week Living in accommodations Starting salary $220 month with bonus for evening and night duty 30- minutes by train from New York MY IMMEDIATE OPENING Experienc ed (female) Xtay technician Full maintenance Salary open Contact 1100 4TH CIVILIAN JEEP wanted 66570 Refrigerator small tat- stove 32720 STAMPS purchase from own er American Stamp Collections Write George Rrownlow Jr 1856 Runny meade Road Winston Salem EXPEIVENCED SALESLADY Wanted to manage Children's Department Good salary and excellent working conditions See Mr Zimmerman FashOMart 3442 Wilkinson Blvd WAITRESS Experienced Apoll in person at once! Boar's Head 1424 Morehead St PIANO Wanted Small studio prat lice Will pay $150 Writ Box S33 Observer Davie Hospital Statesville Walnut Drophead and drawers MO 3-7933 STAPLING new Ace Fastener Superior in quality and performance PENEGAR CO 178 Franklin Ave Gastonia ADDRESSOGRAPH STAND (3) 12 drawer cabinets 5000 frames like new half price Sharon Memorial Park 1009 Independence Bide 5-1781 Rentals Typewriters Cash Registers 'Adding Machines Calculators Employment YOUNG LADIES (2) experienced la soda fountain work Apply Mrs Burns Borden's $OO Morehead St Warehouse Clearance Rubber tile Winch 3e sc ft: 332 inch 32c In ft Plastic and metal wait tile 25c Sq ft We Metall screens folding doors and venetian blinds Bovette Floor Covering Co 218 Morehead 82454 BROWNLUMBER CO Matthews Ph 2411 1 00000 Antique Brick Good hard brick See at 1328 Eliza beth Ave or 325 7th St 12 Flue 56c 8 Flue 40c CAROLINA SASH DOOR CO "Everything for the Builder" 3300 Central Ave Phone 33114 60 Male Help BOYS FOR OBSERVER ROUTES In 2nd section Contact I A Hearn 2-7121 or call at city circulation department of the Observer Trio Experienced Interstate for Charlotte plant of na tional concern manufacturing a nd shipping liquid chemical products Age 22 to 35 (white) Apply 800 Gee Co St or write Box 8006 Char lotte stating age previous Jobs Physical condition marital status wages desired MECHANIC wanted must be good sober and dependable Best working conditions Apply Mr ago or Mr Burris BLYTHE MOTORS INC 426 Morehead Phone 6-5636 BOYS FOR OBSERVER ROUTES In 2nd section Contact A Hearn 2-7121 or call at city circulation depart- SECRETARY Capabla of Posumint Yespontibilitg efficient In shorthand and typing Willing to learn teletYPP 5-day week hours to Uptown air-conditioned office Sa pry enmmensurate with experience and ability Call Saturday morning or week days fl5959 for a ppotnt meet MEN wanted-interested In learn ins to operate turret lathe nulling machine engine lathe and drill press Must have High School edu cation and be able to pass physical examination Age 20 to 35 ROULIGNY INC 433 Morehead CLER1C-1YPIST by national organization 5-da7 peek Paid vac' tion group insurance and hospitaii zation noncontributor pension pia See Kirby -4 UNDERWOOD CORP 4 4th St Charlotte IXTErTf26 tss Experienced APPLY in person COPIA Grill Wilkinsol Blvd 9293 BEN017( Economat $125 3-5260 We Quality nd ha Price t' HINA-C4RINET hlahogany excel- minve washed tapea cordedlitinted lent 4-0328 Beautiful New Flexalum and St TIVINGAIOOM Suite-VS Ili-fn Blinds bitiing Room Suite 665 454M--- BAMBOO Free Estimate ELECTRIC-WATER-HEATER- Matchstick Bamboo Drapes and 17sed 820 Call 641176 Cornices 1R701-sTITEillIAR Serve': Retail 214650 Porch roller shades IP the line" Sell $100 New unused 82925 5-0 Bamboo sti Charlotte Venetian tt km EA-ili Charlotte idiThinTia-iii-cil: lent condition 64158 Blind Refinishing Co to-kr-cnidiaTolt-fid-73---3154 300 McDowell St Call 101ESSER BASE $10 2-1728 After 5 49166 rizetsic RANCE Gitiia MI 48 Antiques size perfect condition 6-9590 ha crvose 11E0 4 poster solid mahogano- SOFA nd Mete excellent condition $50 2:1919 SOFA------Haaed $50 2nd-iarvid--Dowri-1471 ttnee tkrAIGIERAt6117-ellictii-i: 861-Toind cilshionBest offer 4-5618 gas range Excellent Call 2-2945 CHAIRS ROSE CARVED (4) Jusi ELECTRIC RANGE lull size- Good refinished reupholstered 845 each condition 060 4-5996 155690 STERLING- SFINERtleid -and- Bic Small Cheats Secretaries pine ta ton Georgian Rose 22M9 hies for picture windows 2-4669 IRONER Stnplai4O5267flT FIND-ME-ANTIQUE-SHOP-01 Ell MIrmgilesst ori oil water heater with tank3-424O 0-1-A Bib-Lawson-Line torlyde un- North 29 Highway Sale on all stock bower raw 1a5 46to4 34224 HTINTBOARD cherrs 8400 2-3059 5:3828 afte-r-6- COLLINS ANTIQUE SHOP MAIsrt DEN-SET 7 pieces I With Bid Ph 277711elmont NtC months old Call 6-5452 after 6 p-2 SALE CHINA GLASS furniture VINIKG RCTOM SUITE 9 piece gh 2610 Providence Road 22404 ----KEw-ArtalvAts-nAiLit---- bAs RACE 6 burner 2 oven $40 Lull'Moore2427CrescentEx 1-2404 REESE'S ANTIQUE SHOP Vacuum Cleaner Singer 825 62043 108 Morehead St Privet II ction antique shaving bINING ROOM TABLE Bak- muitse cie a Sell for halt value 6-4281 er solid mahogany very ANTIQUES-SHOW reasonable 2-5031 2-4575 Rork Hill May 7-8-9 Armors' Exhibits from far and near The rarThe Want Ad Number est to be found Always a good show Woman's Club sponsors III The Russells Mars Lenoir We have Quality and We have Price Blinds washed taped corded painted Beautiful New nese lum and Steel Blinds BAMBOO Free Estimate Matchstick Bamboo Drapes end Cornices 1 Porch roller shades in the finest 1 Bamboo Charlotte Venetian Blind Refinishing Co 300 McDowell St Call 4-8830 After 5 49100 48 Antiques SOFA hand carved Rose $50 21476 a Down-tilled cushion Best offer 4-5010 CHAIRS ROSE CARVED (4 -Just refinished reupholstered $45 each SOFA Hand carved Down filled cushion Bed offer 4-38111 CHAIRS ROSE CARVED refinished reupholstered 243 each 53S90 Small Chests Secretaries pine tit hies for picture windows 24669 be open Wedneulay morning at o'clock New location 12 miles On North 29 Highway Sale on a It stork HUNTBOARD cherry: 8400 24059 OWNS ANTIQCE- SHOP Wilk Bid Ph 2777 Belmont 60-A Domestic Help riOrsEkgtrER nted dependable Reply giving qualifications BoxT25 Observer 61 Female Help File Clerk Typist Must be efficient all phases general office work 5-day week 2 weeks vacation hos pitalization benefits Good salary Call 2-1268 Crompton Knowles Looms Works 1505 Hutchison Ave Charlotte fyPisT Speed and accuracy es tential Salary etimmensurate with ability S-day week Call 57361 Miss Trull HOUSEKEEPER High type person for hospital Age 30-45 Must be experienced and furnish references Salary commensurate with ability Business Equipment Co Charlotte Hdqrs For Machines 316 Tryon Phone 24905 b-ksks (3) -Executive dirik-7-1 st-emig: desks center drop tYpewrit IF or desk MI with chairs Sacrifice 47294 Underwood Corporation Rents late model tyPewriters Eree delivery Phone LADY tor drug store tront work Attractive opportunity for right pctson Salary open Write Box L-27 Observer resistered waif ed for night supervisor by Mama near Charlotte Write P-58 Observer Experienced Cabinet Maker Familiar with restaurant fixtures and other phases of woodworking including machinery Apply at once 2133 Blvd Dries in I boor Rubber Base Flat Paint $320 Requires no primer No hovering odor Washaolescrubhabls It wanted colors 1100 IV 4th Grads paneled gd75 NIVENS LUMBER CO 1-8327 Sheet Rock $45 Tap is Filler 12115 I I 00 4th DRUGGIST Wanted Registered good hours and salary If intereted Dial 3221 Chesnee or write Taft William Chesnee IA'ANTtb One Structural Draftsman One Structural Steel Estimator Ono Ornamental Draftsman Reply to: Engineer Pox 286 Goldsboro MAN reliable for estab lished dry cleaning route Minimum salary plus commis sion Apply in person Quality Cleaners 7th St and Central Ave Privet Bras Tile 6 Marble Co 2016 Peachtree St Pb 1-1990 'me Armories BEAUTICIAN 's Wanted For Charlotte And Shelby Leading Beauty Sa- Ions Highest earnings Insurance benefits Hours 8:30 to 5:30 Write FW Lorick Box 1660 Char lotte or phone 5-8513 STENOGRAPHER Wanted with lumber office experience Prefer some one with sales department ex nerience Some general office work 7 In connection Located town of 5000 Eastern North Carolina Larger town neerby Give full details and -A salary expected Write A54 Observe KNITTER FIXER 1 Ind xperience Write K44 Ob experienced on plain Wildman Brill server ton and Fidelity Rib Machine GIRL High School educa Steady work Powell Knitting Corn I Pon iegiblo handwriting accurate PanY Spartanburg required ii-day office work I Permanent Cali 57361 Mum Trull and experience Write H44 BUCKEYE Carbon Paper Ribbons PRONTO-STORAGE FILES ASCOCARD CABINETS PLINDERBURK SIZER CO 504 Tryon St Ph 8-4419 SCALES for all purposes Largest selection In Charlotte State require ments Rice factory repre 'tentative 121 Brevard 2-7335 TYPEWRITER 1-71- rent 53 Month ADDING Machine 0 month 3-4286 Used office Desks and cifiiirs Legil and letter size File Cabinets Weath ens Bros Transfer Co 513 8th Place Phone 3-7768 FURNITURE Ideal for reception room of lira office Mud see to appreciate Call 47298 TYPEWRITER Remington Excellent condition $60 Call 50071 Chief PBX Operator Cr Supervisor Who by example and through instruction can train others in the proper operation of a busy switchboard Supervisory experience and ability to estab lish and maintain the best in telephone service essentials This is a permanent position with good hours and pleasant working conditions State qualifications age and employ merit record in application Box P-30 Observer 2-7121 First class from man to operate Beer Machin Can furnish house to live in Coll 5-5196 Gastonia GRILL SODA FOUNTAIN Girl Experienced Sedietield Drug 2801 Blvd SHORT oRDPIR COOK -(Colored ex Perienced wanted Apply in person Lyndy's Grill 2238 Dowd Rd CHEFSTEWARD WANTED: Etched 'need also lit cook Pleasant work ing conditions and good salary AP Ply RaY Jones Manager Virginia Dare Hotel Elizabeth City THEATRE MANAGEICWanid for small indoor theatre Ideal house attractive deal for right man Phone 2150 Merlon FENCE POST POLES Pressure Treated Creosote We handle all sizes Taylor Co Irwin Co lumber and timber posts and poles for fencing lighting and barn construction FREE DELIVERY EDWARDS CONSTRUCTION th SUPPLY CO We have moved to our new home on New Pineville Rd miles from eity limits Phone 3-8693 57 SFEW AND for sale We ire expertly rebuilding electric machinery Used motors bought Jones Electric Repair Co 715 7th St Phone 33728 Toleohono Stymie 11111 a to 1:30 weoktitivit 2:30 to 4130 0 to Sundays The Charlotte Observer 600 TTY011 NEW NHIrPMENT Vases furniture china glass 2117 Chariotte Dr MUSIC itishilganY complete with thirty 21 Inch discs Box II Hickory RaTifi lied dry stilts Large chests of drawers in mahogany cherry and walnut Plenty of refinished Pine eonsisting of chests of drawl lift tots cheats corner cupboard and benches washstand oval table lazy susan coffee tables Marble top tables hirrIDS and bric-abracs Open Sunday Afternonnit ABERNETHY FURNITURE CHINA SHOP 4950 Thrift Rd My 4 miles west of Charlotte 50 Musical Merchandise er RANGE- Hotpoint large size with swell 8100 66445 tit I LINOLEUM RUGS Cold Saal beautiful new patterns 54652 V-ActitCLEINER-----Etirok master with 5 attachments 86996 113852 day 4-2840 nights bEWING MACHINE Westiortiouge console practically new 875 1206 Mint COUNTER CLERK Good salary Paid vacation Apply In person Julian Laundry Dry Cleaning 9111 More head See Mr Jenkins CREDIT LADY with tinanca or Installment saner! ence Good IlitTY pleasant work ins enfiditions and opportunity for advancement Contact Mr Skulls KAY JEWELRY CO 111 TI7011 St 1e Buy and Sell All Kinds of Used Office Equipment Including Office Machines Shop us for used equipment Pound Moore Co 304 Tryon St Phone 5-7751 WAIT11-t-SS -Experienced APO Plantation Grill 2426 MOrelleade 15175 YOUNG -LADITITTor general of: lice work for growing concern Air conditioned office Near Square GIVIIP hospitalization and insurance Mar Other benefits 3day welt Previous experience not necessarY -t typing and shorthand essential Call Miss Teague 3-1004 frOm 130 to 5:30 for 'ono' nt ment CATiTtEgs Apply Queen's Grill 703 Providence Rd (no phone calls): SECRETARY Mature single ags perienced Permanent position Down town prolessiOnal office Give as and experience Writs 5-17 Observ er Kitchen anytime 1 a m5 In tObK steam table and sandwich No Sunday work Diamond Soda Grill 1001 Commonwealth SERVICE STATION ATTENDANTS YOUNG LADI ES (colored and white) Apply Mr Gib turdty to grow with company Re PLY BOOKKEEPER Splendid (moor son Victory Cab Co OFFICE Under 30 Years Box R32 Observer Young man age IS to 22 Applicant must be wiling worker with good Positions open for experienced REGISTERED PHARMACIST common sense No experience re Secretaries for manager of largest most qure 'tion for a young man Thu is an pecially worth- modern drug store on North waahhoilewrnatat to learn end to have General Clerical PBX Operator Carolina coast Good salary the opportunity to grow with a Bookkeepers and profit sharing plan Refer- progressive firm PNEUMAS IL CORPORATION lary commensurate with ability enees required Present man- TiFrismission CI a Contact PerWheel ager being transferred to an other city with our organiza Wachovia Bank Mechanic experience tion A52 Observer necessary Apply Avery and Trust Co 6 Sprinkler Fitters I a Transportation Supply Corp 426 prentices with card' Trade 3-8411 Medical Record Librarian and Lab roan Technicians New 100 bed hoe Local 669 If not em- pital centrally located near larger played apply by letter NIGHT WATCHMAN 11 11 mo 7 cm phone 311125 cities and beaches Excellent gala rice and full maintenance Private operatingirooms with connecting baths in new Box S-49 Observer thirty 430 stores in South Caro- inurses home Contact Administrator SEWING MACHINE MECHANIC line has good openings for Store iSampson County Memorial Hospital Managers Market Managers Meat 'Clinton with experience on Singer or will Cutters and Produce Dept Managers roT tram ambitious young man willing to I neat dependable Apply Crossroads learn Apply 12I5 Caldwell St 74 ft I I CTRL ExperienessL Rentaurant Charlotte Bum Terminal neat dependable Apply Crossroads Restaurant Charlotte Bus Terminal I roue z-ot I i MAWS Technicians New 100 bed ho*r pital centrally located near larg NIGHT WATCHMAN II 7 cm Phone 34295 'o cities and beaches Excellent ries and fuli maintenance Private FOOT) CHAIN operating i rooms with connecting Oaths in new thirty 430 stores in south Caroi nurses horns Contact Administratorito line has "nod openings for Store iSampson County Memorial HospitallHotel Managers Market Managers Meat 'Clinton Cutters and Produce Dept Managers neat TIP) CTRL ExPerienc' neat dependable Apply Crossroad Restaurant Charlotte Bum Terminal USED BABY GRAND BARGA I NS Steinway Stieff Knabe Schultz Bennett-Bretz Andrews Reconditioned refinished GENERAL Electric motor 100 HP 690 RPM 220 Volt 3 phase 60 cycle conplete with 100 hp 220 Volt Cut terHammer Reduced Voltage Auto Starter Price $105000 complete Sigmon phone 245 Morganton RA Ft chine shop equipment Trade and fin ance Charlotte Steel Producta Co '224 12 Cedar St 37770 tievators (3) Otis Conicity 1000 2000 3000 pounds ACE ELEVATOR CO 924 4th St WANTED 24' to 36' single drum Bandar with self feed rollers for sanding straight clock Southern Woodworks 436 Atando Ave Call 6536 ft EW and used machine shop Equip Apex Machine Tool Supply 3107 Wilkinson Boulevard Charlotte NC and --dye house machinery New and used Gardner Machinery Corp 3-6950 AIR Thai Call Mr Sanders I-1093 wissimaimesowwwwissegionwim WWITRESS for morning hours SP Ply Mayfair Grill 239 Tryon WAITRESS asPirienced a at Pleasant personality Hours Wi 41 I a lls Z3V ri 4 ryon a personAlity Hours I alalnleasant Airnort 17" Restaurant 1 WAITRESS Einerienced APO) Mr Lowe Dining Room SC111 Om Phone calls) -BEAUTICIAN experienced Park Beauty 3 41Ave Park Ave Shop 12 Call 34380 WAITRESSES---threa axpetie-i not over thirty for summer resort rnwn Grade A Cafe Broadway Cats i Morehead City Priced from $39500 Up Convenient Terms Andrews Music Co "Out Slot Year" 11 Trunn St FOUNTAIN GIRL Must be ex Pedenred Top seam Hotel Char loge Pharmacy 29 Trade $t- RECEPTIONIST Mature TYPinx Posting 35 hours I days Salary ESC Downtown Mitre Address ri oho' to Box K49 Observer RECEPTIONIST Mature TYPingt ginning 33 hours I days Salary ESC Downtown office Address re WAITRESSES Experioneed Day work no Sunday work Apply in person with references Angora Grill lir College St 3 -t' ih 1 7: f--- 111 gg 4 1" le OPE PAT! NG A poi I I 4 TELEPHONE RECEPTIONIST Call 24542 or 42057 VIE VIAI1T FILE CLERK Risk School grad mite Accurate blest 40 hour weak Paid vacation CUM aid 30 Used Steinways Perfect Condition Not Rebuilt Big Savings For "Quality Furnishings" at the lowest price visit us and see our many bargains KNIGHT BROS FURNITURE 1117 Pegram St Call 6-8424 rEAVING TOWN West Inahouse stove and refrigerator Exrellent condition 41158 Electric Range 11(10 par-- Frigidaire 8 ft 175-28854 WASHER Thor 175 6-8101 115-64308 REFRI-GETtATOR Coldspot del Good condition 1125 44295 after 6:30 BABY BED Complete 115 -8148 Mattress work All Types Liming Mattress Factors 2-1596 (since 1919) furniture Hoffmeyer Furniture Co 114 College 2-6712 WonderfUrtargains New but slightly damaged Blectric and gas ranges oil and gall heaters and furnace freezers electric gas and oil tint wafer heaters Refrigerators air condition units washing machines and dish wash-era Call 6-1536 Kent Good rendition as CIUT5974 alter 1 tRATit IN your old refrixer range or washer On I new one Your trade in la the down payment Snook Brothers 1010 Central Ave 1408 Morehead -s Sales Service All Makes BENNETT VACUUM STORES 4n4 Tryon Ph 4-4669 SPECIALS 4 piece Sofa tel Suite 970 95 Breakfast Room Suite 11995 3 seat Metal Glider SIP 95 Coffee Table 14 95 Table Lamp 1100 YOUNG MEN 21 to 27 Years with 2 years or more college education and knowledge of Accounting Responsible posttions Excellent benefits and opportunities Contact Personnel Wachovia Bank and Trust Co TYPIST (Shorthand preferred) With large comPanP Permanent Joh for right pereon 1411311 per week Atrconditioned 3 weeks paid vaeallon yesrly hour! 810 a la CO It rn For details and Interview esti Personnel Office 34161 Charlotte Good pay with other company bene 1ita and opportunity for advance ment Write 4-38 Oboerver water tanks Mist be free to travel Ex Perienee preferred Steel Tank It Service 118 24th 47108 JANITOR-- 'Wanted for Drive-In Theater See manager at Albemarle Road Drive-1n Theater TOVNG MAN tp- wanted to drive Delivery Truck Piedmont Super Mat ket 633 Seigle MAN to work In SorrieeThepart ment with leading tire company Excellent opportunity for right man Apply Goodrich CO 428 4th St Taylor car Paid oe ability Call 2-3208 after 7 CUltil HOPS (colored) over 1ii7 Full time Apply in person Minute Grill 105 Morehead Good pay with other company ben fits and opportunity for advance Good pay with other company bens tit* and opportunity for advance server ment Write A-S Ob l'ki-STE7-IS for elevated water tanks Must be free to travel Ex An opportunity to explain how easy It is for you to have a new home or remodel your present home Parker-Gardner 118 Trade Ph 8257 SECRETARY Dictaphone experience preferred 5 day 40 hour week Air conditioned office Cafeteria Insurance benefits Good sal- ary Reply Box 130 Observer STENOGRAPHER Experienced Shorthand typing general office work Hours days Employee benefits Employment Security Commission 112 '1st St office work Must be neat aceuratis typist 5 day week $ad weekly I-6705 Easy budget terms on oil home improvements with no down payment and 3 years to pay GIRLS YNJOY WORE Join the ranks of competent Young telephone operators If you are a High School grad utile YOU will find "the voice with a smile" is more thin just a tradi Ithin That's because telephone opera tors are among the nicest moat attractive young women in town You'll enjoy working with them' girls Start at pay you'll be Proud of while YOU kart Regular pas increases and paid vacations Your Job will be in surroundings that are plaalan clean and cow fortable For a Isacinating and Important job apply at our IIMPJOYMOOt Ohre' 115 Johnston Bldg SOUTHERN ITLYPHONE TELEGRAPH CO FOOD CHECKERS ever CREDIT MAN with Ilnanco or Inahilment expert once Good salary pleasant workint conditions and opportunity for ad vancement Contact Mr FIXER Wanted Greensboro Mono factoring Co Greensboro MEN NEEDED for training in radio and television Seis Our ad under classification 44 BARBERS-2 Men needed at once Barber's license not necessary Write or phone Ray shaver Crewe Va Free Parking At Kidd-Frix Music Co COT AN AILING HOME? Do something about the beating your home has taken this Winter Get started on your SPRING SPRUCE UP PLANS Re-roof re-side insulate paint add an extra room build a garage erect a fence We have all the materials and advice you'll need Stop phone 6-7461 For a FREE estimate TERMS AS LOW AS $500 A MONTH NOTHING DOWN OLDEST RETAIL YARD IN CHARLOTTE Anesthetist For 76 bed general hospital Usual complement for depart ment two Liberal salary with complete maintenance except uniforms Give full de tails of qualifications experience references first letter References will not be contacted without your approval Write Administrator Camden Hasp i a Camden Our salesman will give you free estimates and we in vite you to see our complete display of products 0 YOUNG MAN axe 21 to 27 for inside sales Good salary and bonus Plan Experiones not essential AP PIY in person Barber Paint Co 70t1 Ch St 1 IANOS Saleslady Mani famous makes MALE PRESSER Apply Cleaners 61795 PORTER----(Colored1 for mornInas only Inn phone calls) Hotel Char Mite Pharmacy 219 Trade Apply in person KAY JEWELRY Ill TrYon 474 apprentice Dollar hair cum (UM Job 70 per cent 'commission Sterling Berber Shop Morganton Call 1139 or IMO PRESSMEN Vertical preammen wanted to overate new Good pav Steady work Apply ErehOMY Printing Co Chorlotte kiiL he be and have references Apply 2842 Scdh Blvd SHOE REPAIRMAN-7-Ist Class Capoble of managine 2-man shop Sal cry open Apply in period or writei Roberts Shoe Repairs 1312 Sumter St Columbia Remember your dollar spent in your home is the wisest investment you can make Gibson Guitars Accordions All Musical Instruments tounna OM ell Instruments AI smug our 10 'men alai Pia II Instrument furnished rent free OPell evenings until 0 ONE STOP SERVICE Wonted Colored Men Meyers Furniture Co 204 Trade St Ph 2-5673 All POtellitatil Perfect condition 673 Kelvinetor Petriteretor Reconditioned 159 95 Gas Rang Late Models 93950 UP Al March end tea rrldta Written Guarantee Goad Housekeepimo Shop 619 Central OW 5363: 454645 125 40575 after 6 "Tlithin cLoarr $21 40575 rlItil4ITUR pile-red wood complete 8 dreamer mirror chair 175 633 Cherriam New good condition 140 114'15 fa cia--crala 1104 $75 49327 -1 Al Goodman's 204 Tryon ienced (No phone calls) Apply in person Chef's Office Holt! Charlotte WAITRESS experienced 0 a II salary tips Apply in person Green Ind Revtaurant Inli South Blvd CASIIIER Experienced person able reliable Apply Crossroads Res (Durant Charlotte Bus Terminal For office of local furniture store young lady typing and posting ability 5- day Call 4-4006 or 44564 for I appointment US Lumber Co Must tos dependshia Must haus toteroneas Prefer marriod men Good working naditione Paid vacations 40 DOGGETT Lumber Co "QualityMaterialo and Service Since WS" 111 Park Ave Ph I74S1 Kidd-Frix Music Co 520 Dowd lid Ph 2-5191 Open PTO Noon Saturdays I AUTOMOTIVE PARTS MAN Car dealer erwrience neces 'eery Write Box 2a Observer Days'a Sarber Hes COUPLE Mao for handy man so ok moan eatthr farm volts for b000ro work tie childrso Sr Ittroiturc Room sod board rurolohod Rettrooteo ro quire Writ LAI Observed' Radiator Spada ity Co Wol Dowd DAL itATTRFAS mcverioneett wanted Ap plY hrtii Oral MO Blvd CASPOILR tor Parking lot Ma NM porwmantr Apply SOI I Timm 820 Morehead Phan 11141 et 19749 1.

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Author: Otha Schamberger

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Author information

Name: Otha Schamberger

Birthday: 1999-08-15

Address: Suite 490 606 Hammes Ferry, Carterhaven, IL 62290

Phone: +8557035444877

Job: Forward IT Agent

Hobby: Fishing, Flying, Jewelry making, Digital arts, Sand art, Parkour, tabletop games

Introduction: My name is Otha Schamberger, I am a vast, good, healthy, cheerful, energetic, gorgeous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.