Star-Gazette from Elmira, New York (2024)

4D Star-Gazette,, Monday, August 22, 2005 TV Chris O'Donnell, right, rp" as siirjerstar attorney Jason Payne, forms an alliance with Adam Goldberg, who plays lawyer Shulz, in the Fox comedic drama "Head Cases," which premieres at 9 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 14. Seven new series to watch this fall By FRAZIER MOORE AP Television Writer dered, in their prime, by an unknown assailant." But who? Each weekly episode will find the gang of six a year older and a year closer to the present, moving them toward their 20th anniversary reunion (with the murder solved) at season's end. Of the three new procedural crime dramas (among 19 crime dramas on the schedule), Fox's "Bones" stands out thanks to its star, Emily Deschanel.

A forensic anthropologist with beauty, smarts and a knack for karate, headstrong Dr. "Bones" Brennan is saddled with an FBI agent (or is he saddled with her?) as a condition of her getting to move beyond ancient burial sites and dig into FBI murder cases. The fact that the agent (David Boreanaz) is a handsome he-man seems beyond her concern. Here's hoping it stays that way. They make such a hot couple clashing, who needs romance? "Commander-in-Chief" bears certain similarities to "The West For instance, both are dramas about a U.S.

president. But ABC's commander in chief is neither a Democrat nor a male she's an Independent and a woman. Elected vice president, Mackenzie Allen becomes chief executive upon the death of the man who made her his running mate as a ploy to win female votersCan she weather foes in Washington plotting her downfall particularly the sly Speaker of the House (Donald Sutherland), who wanted her to step aside so he could claim the Oval Office'' With Geena Davis as the very presidential President Allen, this show seems electable as a hit. Finally, a group of twen-tysomethings inhabit the hip, hilly neighborhood of Silverlake as well as the sudsy UPN soap "Sex, Lies Secrets." Seizing on a for mula of sex, lies secrets, this cool new meloorama picks up right where "Melrose Place" (which was set in nearby Holly-: wood) left the genre six long years ago. Best new fall shows Here are picks of best new shows by Frazier Moore, television writer for The Associated Press.

COMEDY-DRAMAS On Fox's "Head Cases," Chris O'Donnell plays Payne, a slick LA. lawyer who has a nerv-ous breakdown. When he's ready to return to work, his posh law firm doesn't want him. Who does? Apparently only Shulz (Adam Goldberg), an impetuous slob with whom Payne is paired by their psych-ward therapist as outpatient buddies. Shulz happens to be a lawyer Thus is bom of necessity a loopy new law firm, complete with shabby-chic offices at Venice Beach.

At Venice Beach you'll find the mismatched attorneys of WB's "Just a geekish teen prodigy (Jay Baruchel) and a courtroom burnout (Don Johnson) who finds his passion for the law is reignited by this gung-ho junior partner. That is, when the kid's overeagerness doesn't drive him up the wall. DRAMAS Premiering Aug. 29, Fox's "Prison Break" is the first fall series out of the gate, and looks to be the most inventive of all. It depicts the complex social order at a state penitentiary where one of the inmates has strategically gotten himself jailed to rescue his brother, who's on death row there for a murder he didn't commit.

A nutty concept for a show? You bet. But its appeal is in its (pardon the term) execution. Once viewers get a peek at "Prison for them there may be no escape. "Reunion" employs the shrewdest time scheme for a series since another Fox breakthrough, "24." On this new melodrama-mystery, six friends graduate from high school in the summer of 1 986 with their lives full of But the premiere leaps forward to 2005 long enough for a funeral service remembering one of this group as "brutally mur NEW YORK You say you like a drama where aliens imperil planet Earth? Well, brace yourself for three new intruders: ABC's "Invasion," CBS' "Threshold" and NBC's "Surface." Or maybe you identify with women torn between career and family. Trading on that theme, "Ghost Whisperers" and "Close to Home" will soon come your way from CBS.

Chefs cook up comedy running restaurants on "Freddie" (ABC) and "Kitchen Confidential" (Fox). Lawmen mourn colleagues killed in the line of duty on "Criminal Minds" (CBS) and "Killer Instinct" (Fox). In short, when you take a look at the networks' new fall shows, patterns begin to reveal themselves. A year after "Lost" and "Desperate Housewives" reminded everybody that a defiantly original series can shake up the whole TV universe, not much about the freshman slate reflects their level of fresh thinking. Among the lamest ahead: "Inconceivable," a drama about a fertility clinic from NBC (where creative infertility has reached epidemic levels), and "Twins," a WB sitcom about odd-couple sisters who run a company that makes lingerie.

On the other hand, the fall crop should still have its pleasures, at least if pilot episodes are any predictor of their series' potential. Wit I jfiftj; '''''''''yM J. PAINTED POST 937-5008 40 YEAR OLD VIRGIN (R)-ID REQ'D OIO (1204001720 10)0 RED EYE (PG-13) DIG (140420)740 950 VALIANT (G) DIG 1100 300 500 700 910 RED EYE (PG13) 2:00. 4:25. 6:55.

9:20 SKELETON KEY (PG 1 3) 2 00. 4:25. 6:45. 9:10 40 YEAR OLD VIRGIN (H) 150. 4:10,6:35,9:00 WEDDING CRASHERS (R) 1:50,4:10.6:35,9:00 MARCH 0FTHE PENGUINS (G) 2:10.

4:35. 7:05. 8:50 CHARLIE 1THE CHOCOLATE FACTORY (PG) 1:50 DUKES OF HAZZARD (PG13) 4:15. 6:45. 9:10 DUECE BIGELOW: EUPOPEAN GIGOLO (R) 2:10.4:35.7:05,9:20 FOUR BROTHERS (RI 1:50.

4:15.6:35 9:00 SUPERCROSS (PG-13) DIG (145430)750 1000 DEUCE BIGALOW: EUROPEAN GIGOLO R) ID REQ'D DEUCE BIGALOW: European o.on; Photos by The Associated Press Actress Geena Davis portrays Mackenzie Allen, the first female president of the United States, in ABC's "Commander In Chief," which premieres at 9 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 27. (1230 240)800 1030 FOUR BROTHERS (R) ID REQ'D (130410 730 1020 THE SKELETON KEY (PG-13) (110 3501 710 940 MARCH OF THE PENGUINS (G) (1240 250) 630 THE DUKES OF HAZZARD (PG-13) DW (340) 650 920 MUST LOVE DOGS (PG-13) 900 CHARLIE THE CHOCOLATE FACTORY (PO) DIG(1250) PM CHARLIE THE CHOCOLATE FACTORY PG 450) WEDDING CRASHERS (R) -10 REQ'D (1245 330) 640 930 UIUMLU '1 KS3WEDDING CRASHERS 9:501 RED EYE iTIiol OraDUKES OF HAZZARD PG-13 9:50" mWm (mamwwRtmubm mt TVPICKS Is -I 1 1 MONDAY PRIMETIME AUGUST 22, 2005 li 1 I I I 1 I 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 -r-- TF i I News A (CCj CBS Evening Entertainment The Insider (N) The King of Everybody Two and a Half Two and a Half CSI: Miami "Shootout" Gang- News A (CC) (:35) Late Show With David Late Late 112 1213 12 12 12CBS m- 8613 News A (CC) Tonight (N) A A (CC) 1377 Queens 'Van, Loves Men A (CC) Men A (CC) related gunplay in a hospital 4682803 Letterman Ellen DeGeneres; Show 7008491 i 5193 (CC) 2416 Go" A 6716 Raymond A 75261 34803 emergency room. (CC) 35254 Hot Hot Heat.

(CC) 43153193 i News 12385 NBC Nightly Jeopardy! (CC) Wheel of Fear Factor Four pairs compete Las Vegas Mobsters attempt to Medium Allison finds information News 5805006 (:35) The Tonight Show With LateNight- 3 3 2 3 3 4 4 NBC 5 News (CC) 68990 Fortune (CC) in an explosive slide in an extort money from a restaurant that could result in a murderer Jay Leno A (CC) 25430071 Conan O'Brien I 90087 16071 upside-down car. (CC) 60483 owner. (CC) 57919 jbeing set Iree. A 50006 3332255 i 4 ABC News 7761342 ABC News Wheel-Fortune Jeopardy! NFL Preseason Football Dallas Cowboys at Seattle Seahawks. (Live) A (CC) 4865754 News 9802990 (:35) Nighlline Jimmy Kimmel Live 6191168 News607700 ABC World Everybody Everybody NFL Preseason Football Dallas Cowboys at Seattle Seahawks.

From Qwest Field in Seattle. (Live) News 8874261 (:35) Niqhtline (12:06) Jimmy Kimmel Live i4 46 4 2 9 9 1 ABC News Tonight Loves Loves A (CC) 333342 CC) 71235483 Amy Poehler; Ice-T; Amy Miles. I (CC) 794280 Raymond (N) A (CC) 2939410 i 10 5 5 PBS News-Lehrer 71358 Life on the Delaware 64667 Antiques Roadshow 40087 History Detectives (N) 53551 Benjamin Franklin A 63938 Charlie Rose (N) (CC) 55193 Life on the Delaware 48304 Ln Lnrrnp BBC World I Business Rpt. The NewsHour With Jim Antiques Roadshow "Omaha" History Detectives (N) A (CC) Benjamin Franklin let the BBC World ICharlie Rose (N) A (CC) iTavis Smiley 8 8 7 8 9 10'OPdS News 27731 24613 Lehrer (N) (CC) 64261 A (Part 1 of 3) (CC) 80209 60445 Experiment Be Made" 63532 News 49464 946377 (CC) 350410 i I The Simpsons King of the Hill Friends "The iFriends A Nanny 911 Nanny Stella is dis- House "The Socratic Method That 70s I Seinfeld "The Seinfeld The Becker "Partial I Blind Date A Paid Program 13 5 3 3.FOX A (CC) A (CC) One After I Do" (CC) 7852648 patched to help a family with 5 A (PA) (CC) 3116342 Show A (CC) Barber A Law" A (CC) (CC) 9969101 4590236 7769984 7856464 6564087 children. A (CC) 3209006 2050261 (CC) 2076209 (CC) 8277551 8583280 I iuPN Edition 2261 Hollywood Fear Factor (CC) 64613 One 7464 All of Us 3071 Girlfriends A I Half 89377 News 40990 Be-Millionaire Girlfriends A Girlfriends A Fear Factor A (CC) 51878 'ieIoe o-T oe ooliono' Growing Up Growing Up Investigative Reports (CC) The Secret Lite of a Serial GrowingUp GrowingUp Airline (CC) Airline (CC) Crossing Jordan A (CC) The Secret Life of a Serial 35 33 2323 Gotti 327532 jGotti 245984 (854261 Killer (CC) 870209 Gotti 130193 Gotti 394464 655087 664735 836025 Killer (CC) 394675 o-LJciJcn "Hard Target" (1993, Drama) Jean-Claude Van Damme, "Moonraker" (1979, Adventure) Roger Moore, Lois Chiles.

Premiere. (:45) "Uoonraker" (1979, Adventure) Roger Moore, Lois Chiles. James I oj.qd jUOU (akc) Lance Henriksen. Arnold Vosloo. 231396 James Bond tries to recover a hijacked space shuttle.

90658919 jBonrJ tnes to recover a hijacked space shuttle 69576209 i UJie cJicLo'jn' aJ I The Crocodile Hunter Close The Most Extreme Deadly The Planet's Funniest Animals Animal Precinct Neglected I Animal Precinct "Expect the IThe Planet's Funniest Animals I Animal Precinct "Neglected 54,36 53 35 38 4949 (Anpl) calls. (CC) 33984 jsnakes. (CC) 79193 (CC) 82613 Beauty" (CC) 75377 Unexpected" (CC) 78464 (CC) 88071 Beauty" (CC) 336965 31; 68 5353(bet) 106 Park: BET's Top 10 Live 739261 BET com "Turn It Up" (2000, Drama) Pras.Ja Rule. 786919 The Parkers The Parkers News 412476 106 4 Park: BET'S Top 10 Live 503613 -J-J (5:00) Celebrity Poker IThe West Wing "The Long The West Wing 'The Midterms" IThe West Wing "In This White The West Wing "And It's Surely Hidden Howie Hidden Howie IThe West Wing "Five Votes 70j70i (brav) Showdown (C6) 867358 Goodbye" A (CC) 40031 A (CC) 144919 House" A (CC) 157483 to Their Credit" 485782 403174 986241 Down' A (CC) 288101 50 54 52! 54 24 31 31 (cmtv) CMT Home Blitz 4160700 Dukes of Haaard 1773984 Insider: Dukes 1855532 Inside Fame 1875396 Barely Barely Dukes of Hazzard 2395261 Insider: Dukes 3698323 22 16 14 40 26 32 32 (rxN) Lou Dobbs Tonight 924629 Anderson Cooper 360 496261 Paula Zahn Now 412209 Larry King Live (CC) 492445 NewsNight-Br. 495532 Lou Dobbs Tonight 470483 Larry King Live 215675 56 73 36 73 46:46 (COM) "Orange County" (2002) Colin Hanks.

(CC) 6312648 Daily 1808358 Jeff Foxworthy 7955700 South Park Blue Collar TV Mencia Daily 7745532 Adam Carolla Blue Collar TV Mencia 57 44 48 44 15 59 59 'CRT) NYPD Blue A (CC) 4168342 Cops 1278174 Cops 3555700 Anatomyof Crime 1853174 Forensic Files North 4243087 Trace Evidence 1876025 People-Crimes 2393803 Anatomy of Crime 3696965 hiiq'oJio o-7 onUi Monster Garage "1 970 T- American Chopper "Miller Monster House A duplex with a Monster Garage "Under the American Chopper "Gillette Monster House A duplex with a Monster Garage "Under the j2ujZ0 (Disc) Bucket; Snow Cat" 397551 Electric 1" (CC) 869193 Parisian feel to it. (N) 772613 865377 Bike 2" (CC) 868464 Parisian feel to it. 818629 Hood" (CC) 309507 We co'ro JJrvr Lizzie 887087 Sister, Sister That's So That's So "Toothless" (1997) Kirstie Alley, Dale Midkiff. A recently Phil of the I Sister, Sister That's So I That's So Sister, Sister I Kim Possible aa oo i4ji4, (DiSN) (CC) 801667 Raven 534782 Raven 890551 deceased dentist becomes the tooth fairy. (CC) 140193 JFuture 872280 (CC) 785700 Raven 405532 Raven 118629 (CC) 969439 (CC) 226236 29 39 (espn) SportsCenter (CC) 740629 Countdown 229551 MLB Baseball Teams to Be Announced.

(Subject to Blackout) (Live) (CC) 411174 SportsCenter (CC) 270445 Baseball (:20) NFL Live 5151 46 40 (ESP2) Little League Baseball: Worid Series Teams TBA 1774613 Little League Baseball: World Series-Teams TBA 1869358 You Write Better Than You Play 2726396 NFL 2883532 Streetball "Streetball cn a' I Ka'Ao Filthy Rich: Cattle Drive IE! News (N) IThe Soup "Fargo" (1996) Frances McDormand. A businessman's Kill Reality (N) 312358 iTaradise Party at the The Soup Howard Stern 4Bbmetv) 673006 337532 News. 958713 kidnapping scheme spins out ol control. 326551 501700 Palms 202667 News. 129859 400236- ,0 ,0 7th Heaven "An Early Fall" A Smallville "Hothead" A (CC) Wildfire "Identity" Kris trains.

(N) I Beautiful People "Reload" (N) Whose Line? I Whose Line? The 700 Club (CC) 296385 Wildfire "Identity" Kris trains. 34:32 44i 32 4 27j27(FAM) (Part 2 of 2) (CC) 575377 1 1 8006 (CC) 127754 (CC) 107990 831445 840193 (CC) 862507 38; 43 37 4 3 7 39j39; (FOOD) Minute Meals Minute Meals Good Eats Unwrapped Emeril Kicks Up 4447087 Unwrapped Unwrapped Secret Life of Secret Life of Iron Chef 2836803 Emeril Kicks Up 8860472 25 49 49 j(FSN) Thoroughbred Sports List Knockout9 Sports List World Series of Darts 697071 Halls of Fame MLB Baseball New York Mets at Arizona Diamondbacks. (Live) 610919 Sports 709304 52 57 56I57 54 54 (FX) Fear Factor (CC) 3283551 King of Hili King of Hili "One Hour Photo" (2002) Robin Williams, Connie Nielsen. 6591006 Starved Always Sunny -Qne Hour Photo" (2002) 6583087 65 67 74 67 18 (GOLF) Go 2395193 IGoH 2386445 Golf 9045342 Golf Academy 79275025 (:43) Golf Fitness 34794629 PlayLessons Learning Center 88456822 Bag 30285071 Golf 5984939 Golf Academy 66533014 cq MOdSoHn M'A'S'H(CC) M'A'S'H(CC) Walker, Texas Ranger "The Walker, Texas Ranger "Perry Mason: The Case of the Desperate Deception" M'A'S'H(CC) M'A'S'H (CC IM'A'S'H (CC) 3a aa ana. (HALL) 8641377 8632629 Lynn Sisters" (CC) 9319464 "Suspicious Minds" (CC) (1990, Mystery) Raymond Burr, Marcy Walker.

9225071 6001919 8445532 6612014 4815052 37 72 42 72 4444(hgtv) Weekend Landscapers Curb 1815648 House Homes Landscape "Kitchen Designed-Sell Travis' Facelift 6329938 Design-Dime Painted House Homes Landscape eVcc ci ivrm Conspiracy? Japanese attack Modern Marvels "Military UFO Files "UFOs and the White Decoding the Past Signs of the Weird U.S. "Rebels and Traitors" Breaking Vegas Gangs of UFO Files "UFOs and the White as wpyi (MST) on Pearl Harbor 3292209 Movers" (CC) 9326754 9302174 Apocalypse. (N) 9322938 (N)(CC) 9325025 Vegas cheats (CC) 7673174 House" (CC) 9706033 aUb At ta jcLnUn' The Golden Golden Palace "Gracfe's Chofce" (2004) Kristen Bell, Diane Ladd. A teen fighting the Odds: The Marilyn Gambrell Story" (2005. Golden Palace IThe Golden How Clean I How Clean jjjB ja 3UJn, (life) Girls 670261 (CC) 598613 jfights to adopt her three younger brothers.

(CC) 791975 Docudrama) Jami Gertz, Ernie Hudson. Premiere. (CC) 100087 (CC) 479629 Girls 363629 114491 402168 'JM7JMl (:13) "Heart ol Fire" (1997, Suspense) Patrick Duffy. A child is "What Lies Above" (2004. Suspense) Nicole (:45) "Victim of Love: The Shannon Mohr Story" (1 993, Drama) The Secrets of Lake Success (CC) 9433358 03 oa trapped underneath a wrecked gasoline truck.

(CC) 30849290 Eggert, George Stults. (CC) 3360532 Dwight Schullz, Bonnie Barttett (CC) 73541532 27:55 55 55 (MSG) Football 96261 The World Game 608445 Premiership Soccer Teams to Be Announced. (Taped) 334358 MLS Soccer: Chivas USA at MetroStars 874551 Football 47613 Premiership Soccer 624507 j19 15451 15 14 2525j (MTV) VMA Nominee Videos 573919 VMA 944358 Laguna Beach 962938 Laguna Beach Laguna Beach Laguna Beach Laguna Beach Super Sweet 70sHouse '70sHouse Rock 116859 Nominee Vid 65 60 65" 112112: (ngeo) Science of the Bible 1696803 Inside 911: War on America 1320342 Inside 911: Zero Hour (N) 9628025 Inside 911: War on America 9987483 34 38 9J imrv, lfe9neBob ''ey Arnoidi The Movie" (2002, Comedy) I Drake Josh Full House A Fresh Prince Fresh Prince The Cosby Roseanne A IRoseanne A I Fresh Prince I Fresh Prince :1634 28 344 28,28. (NICK) 3j0006 3213SB Voices of Spencer Klein. A 555716 (00)690990 (CC) 143667 307938 651261 Show 677209 (CC) 575764 (CC) 196919 932859 220526 70 64 71 64 MOXY) LivingSingle LivingSingle OpTahAfter Oprah After "Heart and Souls" (1993) Charles Grodin 4443261 Snapped Snapped Ellen Show 2838261 "Heart md Souls" 886801 4 10 10 17 10 i(PAX) Shop Til Drop On the Cover pyramid A Feud27777 Millions" 84071 Diagnosis Murder A 77735 Early Edition 'Pilot' A 70822 Miracle 56754 1 Paid 57613 Paid 675043 Paid 334472 71 74 66 74 (piexi of Jl T3' Part 2 01 (1 1 Dm lsabelle HuPPert' F'om "Lo1' wh' 9 "ow" (1 993) John (:40) 'Another Woman" (1 988) Gena iii I I i 2) Merete Van 6036731 Flaubert's novel of a French wife's affairs.

(Subtitled-English) 5951 8213 Travolta, Kirstie Alley A (CC) 9496218 Rowlands, Mia Farrow. (CC) 74 1 9396 61 52 39 52 3S 3s'(9C3m Stargate SG-1 The SG team Staraate SG-1 1 "The SG-1 "Memento" A Stargate SG-1 Jonas starts pre- Stargate SG-1 "Full Circle A IBattlestar Galactica "Home V'Timecop 2: The Berlin a.aaoi J3J3(gZFi) sentenced. A (CC) 7056071 A(CC)2106261 (CC) 2122209 dieting the future. 2102445 (CC) 2105632 (CC) 6856377 Pecwfon" (2003) 6700120! 74177 7377 1 I (soap) Melrose Place (CC) 4860822 Days of our Lives 4458193 All My Children 4361613 One Lite to Live 4454377 General Hospital 4457464 Soap Star: Pine 2830629 Be a Soap Star 8897526 26 50 (SPEED) Victory Lane 4868464 NASCAR NBS 24-7 (N) Inside Nextel Cup 4465483 Headlights 4452919 NASCAR NBS24-7 Inside Nextel Cup 2758071 Headlights 8895168 18 30 15 30 23 21 21 (jprrai ScJ1 Police Vide0S PSI: "t.6 Sc.eDne PSI: Sceene, WWE Raw (Llve) A (CC) 4791667 (:05) The Ultimate Fighter (N) Maximum MLBIReal TV A ou A(CC)952990 Investigation Butterflied A Investigation "Suckers A 43588358 316323 671762 24 26 34 26 12 36 36 (TBS) MLB Baseball Atlanta Braves at Chicago Cubs. From Wrigley Field in Chicago.

(Live) (CC) 606280 "Outbreak" (1995) Duslin Hoffman. An African monkey car- I i Visa 399731 (CC) 956613 300990 999975 jnes a lethal virus to California. (CC) iDVS) 555342 63 53 49 53 16 42 42 2nL Jn Crawford: The Ultimate Movie Star (CC) "Mildred Pierce" (1 945) Joan Crawford. An ambitious "Trie Story ol Esther Costello" (1957) Joan Crawford. A I "Reunion In France" i I i 86231358 3952358 woman and her selfish daughter vie for a man.

6007025 socialite rehabilitates a poor blind and deaf girl 6901990 (1942) John Wayne 8024656 59:28 Sffig3 InmS Tumcr6172ao Rgsiden. Life "The Test Untold S.orte. of theTR 35:17 fecor a' A SMSllSl11 (CC) fcC)12735 Woman" Elands" (CC) hoa Mouf A TheDoser "LA Woman" (CC) 55.25 4725 47.47 (toon) CodeLyoka Ten Titans Grim 6488613 JCodename Foster's Home Juniper Lee Mucha Lucha Yu-Gi-Ohl One Piece A Dragon BaliT" Family Guy A FuturamaA Hungerforca lnuyasha 3R 74 rsoa Fun Food Factories 2 (CC) Dangerman fiery Pit" 6085803 Warrior Island "Korowai" Strand-Peters Strand-Peters Anthony Bourdain: No Warrior Island "Korowai" Strand-Peters Strand-Peters bS 515T(TRAV) 6Q32984 6094551 6918280 6117629 Reservations (N) 6084174 2464919 6103946 3875255 40 48 40 48 60 60j (tvl) All in Family Good Times All in Family AII in Family All in Family AII in Family Andy Griffith Sanford Son Good Times All in Family 3sCo 7743174 Night Court Cheers (CC) Sanlord 4 Son 17 'ql fctylSIIII" Law 4 Order: Special Victims Law 4 Order: Special Victims Law 4 Order: Special Victims Monk "Mr. Monk Goes to a Law 4 Order: Special Victims Monk "Mr. Monk Takes His irji jyz zz (usa) (2004) Clare Kramer.

297087 jUnlt "A Single Lite" 498629 Unit "Pandora" (CC) 407377 Unit "Bound" (CC) 314613 Wedding" (CC) 317700 Unit" A Single Lle465551 Medicine" (CC) 200743 20 41 30 41 43(VH1) 40 Most Awesomely Bad Metal Ever A 327280 Simmons Rock338261 Hottest Celeb Pets A 315445 Fabulous Life A 318532 Surreal Life Hogan 102613 Celebrity Fit Club A 484323 5 9 19 07 07 Yes, Dear A The King of Will Grace WiII Grace 7th Heaven "Tangled Web We Summerland life in the Cops A (CC) I Cheaters A The King of Yes, Dear A Elimidate (CC) Elimidate (CC) i "r9J u'h2) (CC) 90025 Oueens 81377 (CC) 59280 (CC) 70261 Weaved" A (CC) 44483 Fishrx)wl A (CC)31919 55648 (CC) 64396 QueensB9808 (CC) 83367 459255 714694 48 63 72 63 I wei Felicity The List" 5049193 Felicity A (CC) 6322025 "Another Hfomar)" (1994) Justine Baleman. (CC) 6302261 "The Audrey Hepburn Story" (2000) Jennifer Love Hewitt. Premiere. (CC) 165591 9 i tf Horne Will Grace Will 4 Grace Home "The Real Howard Spitz" (1998) Kelsey Grammar. Awriler WGN News at Nine A (CC) I Becker A I Becker A Home Delivery 215255 a a 3 1 Improve.

(CC) 896735 (CC) 171938 lmprove. helps his creative partner look for her fast dad. 135261 154396 (CC) 327700 (CC) 136025 49 66 59 66' j. YES) Yankee Yankees Pre. MLB Baseball Toronto Blue Jays at New York Yankees.

(Live) A (CC) 618071 Yankees Post. 620754 Memories MLB Baseball: Blue Jays al Yankees 571993 "Mildred Pierce" (8 p.m., TCM): When her second husband, Monte (Zachary Scott), is murdered, and her first (Bruce Ben- -nett) becomes the prime suspect, businesswoman Mildred Pierce (Joan. Crawford) sets the police straight in flashback. The self-portrait she paints is of a desperate mother obsessed with pleasing her spoiled, demanding -Daughter Dearest (Ann Blyth) a losing battle until the wealthy Monte enters their lives. "Las Vegas" (9 p.m., NBC): Sylvester Stallone guest stars as Frank, a friend of Ed's (James Caan) who helps him go after some small-time mobsters trying to squeeze a restaurant owner in "To Protect and Serve Manicotti." Sam, Delinda and Nessa (Vanessa Marcil, Molly Sims, Marsha Thomason) jock-.

ey for the attention of "Fear Factor" host Joe Rogan (guest starring as himself), hoping to get on his show. "Fighting the Odds: The Marilyn Gambrell Story" (9 p.m., LIFE): Jami Gertz stars in this new fact-based drama about a parole officer who sets up a program for youngsters with parents in prison. -Many have been abused, and aU of them are dealing with feelings of abandonment. Visiting prisons and meeting with convicts not necessarily their own parents helps them work through their pain. Ernie Hudson also stars.

"Stranded: With Cash Peters" (9 p.m., midnight, TRAV): In the new episode "Solvang," Cash tries to make his way in a charming California town whose Danish immigrants still like to do things the old-fashioned way. The town has more bakeries than supermarkets; a Dan- ish Days festival every September with lots of traditional costumes, food' and dancing; and a thriving network of Scandinavian secret societies. "Medium" (10 p.m., NBC): Allison (Patricia Arquette) finds herself facing a thorny moral dilemma: If she shares some information she recently obtained, a convicted killer might be released from prison. Adding to her stress is an unexpected houseguest, her mother-in-law. That's Emmy winner Kathy Baker as Mama Dubois.

Jake Weber also stars in "In the Rough." "The Ultimate Fighter" (11:05 p.m., SPIKE): The series returns for a second round of competition to sign someone new to the Ultimate Fighting Championship organiza-' tion. Eighteen martial artists undergo training at the hands of UFC champs Matt Hughes and Rich Franklin in box-' ing, wrestling and a variety of martial-' arts disciplines. Tests of strength and skill determine which two contestants fight each week. TV Picks is compiled from reports by John Burlingame, a syndicated columnist. TV Picks runs daily except Sunday..

Star-Gazette from Elmira, New York (2024)


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Name: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

Birthday: 1999-05-27

Address: Apt. 171 8116 Bailey Via, Roberthaven, GA 58289

Phone: +2585395768220

Job: Lead Liaison

Hobby: Lockpicking, LARPing, Lego building, Lapidary, Macrame, Book restoration, Bodybuilding

Introduction: My name is Sen. Ignacio Ratke, I am a adventurous, zealous, outstanding, agreeable, precious, excited, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.