The Tribune from Seymour, Indiana (2024)

3' 1 SEYMOUR DAILY" TRIBUNE StYWDUE '1 II I.I I I I SPORTS ROUNDUP Fy EDDIE BRIBTa Ptaa Sport 1 1 Specials For Week Stayman AVineftip "tS Apples. Lbs. faO -Rome Beauty 1 CSc 2 Lbs. J. Northern Spy, OCfc 6 Lbs LtO $1.35 Bushel New Potatoes, 7q.

5 Lbs Cu i No. 2 Iichigan Cc Potatoes, Uu No. I Michigan gnj Peck OU Maine Cobblers $Q95 for Seed. 100 LbsoJ New Cabbage, l'Ac 3 1 Large Grapefruit, E.ich Sweet Pdtatoes, Cj 4 Lbs. CtO Get Our Prices Before You Buy Seed Potatoes.

WeWM Carry Genuine Red River Selected Stock rt March DiilTvinsr around with the Dodgers; Hnrloitrh Orimes savs there'll no more of the serewy stuff on his hall club Still, the Dodger-; let holdout Joe Stnpp eoine over from Orlando, sell the club 1 frntduateB of his baseball school and pet out of town without sienmir his own contract This wire from Cnsev Stengel rcarlicd cnmp veserdav: "111 bo in Brooklvn opening dav to see tin- Chants plav" Ow Cnsey in 1 --I i tijr it rasv Olrndale, sretlmp lnt lie 1ms picked iil cut one pounds since frf't-timr tired He will step into a mil with one of the two hiiwest in baseball the he settles with the Dodgers Cor his snlarv. Vm cum lauirli ft the Dodgers, leit (i nines means business His uianairerial record reads like a 1 1 Mnrv In two seasons Good No. 2 100 Lb. Bag jSC). Eating potatoes ANY OF THESE ITEMS FOR ONLY Laying Mash 1Q 100 Lb.

eag $2.75, Oyster Shells 100 Lb. Bag 7gc Camel Cigarettes p29e(fiis ANY OF THESE I ITEMS FOR ONLY 3)C PRUNES, f.C-90 if Pound HOMINY, 2 Con TOMATOES. Mom I Con TOMATO PUREE No I Con TOMATO JUICE, Uub IO-oi Can SUDAN PEPPER Can CRYSTAL BAKING SODA Lb Pkg JELL-0 Pkg BULK RICE Pound FELS NAPTHA SOAP Bor BANNER POTTED MEAT No Can TOMATOES, Standard Ouality. No 2l: Can AVONDALE KRAUT No 21 2 Can WHEATIES Pockage CATSUP, ondord Quolity Bottle STATE STREET MUSTARD Qt Jar MOTT JELLIES Gloss COUNTRY CLUB PORK fr BEANS No 1 Can GRAPEFRUIT No 2 Can TALL BOY SPAGHETTI Can FIG BARS Pound E-Z BAKE FLOUR Guaranteed to Please I In -lepiN'd Iroin Hlooinington, AVONDALE BEETS No 2's Car JEWEL COFFEE 19c 1 O-Lb. Sack For 5-Lb.

Sack For 53 31c 9c CLUCK BREAD Sliced Twin Loaf DimeDinners For Busy Diners! Tosty Minute 1A Meols for Only 1UC Armour's Tomoles Armour's Cornrd Beef Hash Country Clufc Porkl Country Club Mush Armour's Chili Con Carne Buy All They Cost So Little! Ruth's Grocery 301 East Third Street ICED ANGEL FOOD CAKE 13 EGG HQ ANGEtlNA EachlC STYLE SJJJC SIZE Ills the Maiors, via Iiusville, A A town h'roebeh, ticv Dndger trainer, has receivsd a vwll-earned promotion He went from the last place Chicago Cardinals in the National Football League to the last phtee Chicago Hlackhawks in the 1 ii iiial Hockey League Now hf moved up to the seventh place Dodders and thinks he may tiU live to see the first division. and ends: Eddie Roush in telling it around St. Pete ve-tcrday there were two gam-l i 1 1 -r mobs operating atrainst each other in the world's series of l'ipi -One was trying to bribe the White Sox and the other the ReiK Roush said he got wind of the plot, called a meeting on the BANANAS Golden Rpe 4 25c Celery 2 jumbo 15c I Green Cabbage 3 10c ICEBERG LETTUCE We have discontinued dressing our own beef. Our beef buyer has made special arrangements with Armour Company to furnish us with the best quality beef ot all times. Armour's products are known throughout the United States and need no introduction.

It is oil government inspected. Try a steak or roast TOBACCO Prince Aiben Cn 10c COMPARE MEAT PRICES RIPPLED WHEAT Reg Pkg 10c BOILING BEEF lOc JAM Large 2 Lb jar 25c SWISS STEAK Lb. 18c BLACKBERRIES 2No.2 0n. 25c LIVER Beef 0, Lb. 15c LAUD PURE HOG 50 POUND CAN fg.g VINEGAR Quart Bottle 10c PORK CHOPS Center Cut Lb.

25c Spaghetti or Macaroni 2 Lb. Box 15c Pork Roast shoulder Cut Lb. 22Vfec PURE MILK 3 Tall Cans 20c Pork Sausage Home Made Lb. 17Vc rSSPfS Lb Pk8 I5' Beef Cuts From Fancy Cattle EX 1 HALT Vaniiia Lge. 8 oz Bottle 15c BEEF STEAK Lb.

31c CORN SYRUP stale, i o-Lb Pan 59c BEEF ROAST Lb 22c MATCHES searchlight 6 Boxe5 25c BEEF STEAK RiborChuck Lb. 25c KIPPERED SNACKS can Each 5c Breakfast Bacon Piece Lb 2Ac PORK BEANS 3 Ta 25 gg Lbj48Cc tandy Bars-Gum 3 for 10c ryc TcTT DAiMAiiirr paid TT FISH "esh Frozen 5aIt PALMOLIVE SOAP 3 Bars 17c HADDOCK iwies, Lb 15c SOAP crystal White 6 Urge Bar, 25c HALIBUT STEAK Lb. 29c PEAS Early June Pick of Crop 2 Cans 25C LAKE HERRING Salted 3 Lbs 25c llr.J 8C 10 22c POTATOES Orarte tn. XT. B.

Ko. l'i to I', ffdUlNG BEEF Brisket Cul 11c Lb. CHUCK ROAST (We Lb 17c WASHERS SWEEPERS ELECTRIC REFRIGERATORS RADIOS 0 WAFFLE IRONS TOASTERS HEATING PADS GRILLS PRESSING IRONS SANDWICH TOASTERS CLOCKS PERCOLATORS ROASTERS CLINE Electric- Plumbing Heating 244 V. Second Street, l'hone J04. I A I SWIFT'S CIRCLE "S' of the eighth game at which Hod F.ller who pitched admitted he had been offered to los that jaine, but turned it ilown-l'at Moran sent Kller to the hill anyway and kept the Keik iii the series The yarn went over great' with the Yankee rookies huddled about the stove in the clubhouse.

pity Chicken 5c 6 25c Smoked Picnics Shonkless 4 to 6-Lb. Averoge WHITING FISH Lb 10c POLLACK FILLETS 10c Seymour Boxers Win Three Bouts 1 Sevmoiir fiolden Cloves boxers 5 a 5 i i i. 'ra-o tbctn by i knoekouis, when the met ti IJedl'ord (iolden Cloves t'STYrTt Si. Vincent Hall there Wednewl.M niu'hr. The bbdfcrd team will eoi.i here next Velnesdav March 10.

to meet the Seyim i team at the recreational center, i South fhestnut street. RED BEANS 3 Lbs 25c SALAD DRESSING Fuii 0. 29c COCOA Large I -Lb. Can lQc W. H.

BURKLEY REAL ESTATE INSURANCE end LOANS SEYMO'JR. IND Fresh Fruits and Vegetables BANANAS Golden Ripe 4 "Lbs. 25c KALE Nice Green 2 Lbs. 15c BUTTON RADISHES 3 Bunches 10c MANGOES Large Each 5c CAULIFLOWER Nice Head 20c HEAD LETTUCE 2 for 15c CELERY Large Stalk each lQc DREFT Large Pkg 23c COCOA CASTILE ks 4 Bars 19c Hilev (S), 14( pound i Our Junior Puzzle Nfg'ctted e-e--train leada to headaches, dizziness and onetimes impairment of vision. An examination at leaM once each year is the best safeguard of vision.

DR. EDWIN J. BANT A OPTOMETRIST With HOLTMAN'S JEWELRY S1TJRE lass, won bv a knex kout in the -ei oml tind l'n in O'Brien of Hedlnrd. Hill Mcllev S). l'Jti llllld 1 won bv a knockout oiie-I Tninule and lortv seconds of the MARSHMALLOWS i Lb Pkg 15c PEACHES Large Cling 2'2 Size Can 15c IN THE DAG! hi ther yi liii our Super .10 in I he re is sir, in in limncilialclv lr lii-t round from Hall of Bedford.

i85 harle iS), 11S iwinnd I LPS rui IfUa I'o-iti'cl 111 ol bills! AI.I, Hourv -12 A I' la-h waste. 1' SEYMOUR CROTHERSVILLE I'oal, with no MKK heat. with I.Ks; lire ten, im. veil Ilea Sa II. "1 ami know It II I oai.

more a v. 3 MRS 9 4 A 10 class, won a dcci-ioii from of lt- dt'ord. Otlier decisions went to Ilcd-(iretehe-r ill) Vs. S1 ino ibs. Dawscn (H vs.

Miitsintrer (Si 11S I.amb vs. Able (S) lbs. (H vs. 1). Is-) lbs ato.i I vs.

(Si 1 17 lbs. i K. first round I Adon, Oohlen Cloves i hatup Chicago. I'l3(i, vs. Witviiian (S Hs.

(forfeit). hv White. lbs) vs. Twiner. Hcdfi.rd, CitiO Ibs.) couchiiled tile pnvram.

i4 IX Raymond City Lump $6.40 Raymond City Egq. 6.25 W. Vo. Prepared Stoker. 5.75 Dnep Vein Ind.

Stoker. 4.75 Deep Vein Indiana Lump 5.50 Indiana 6x3 Egg 5.00 EIBB3EIE ICE COLD STORAGE CO. Phone No 4 AUTO AND HOUSEHOLD LOANS STRAIGHT TIME FARM LOANS 2fU IMr'' pron llpbU. Uw 7 of 10 Tont own iu)rt til to ttutk rariUar tmaU monthl, pam.m. onr icurmn.

Ho n4 to own or rU titit. or to Mcnr. tmb.rl YOUR OWN SIGNATURE AUTHl SECURITT YOU NEED aUorainU. Com i or lot lull Information. Ping-Pong Results.

Topie iZ FINANCE CORP. NEW LOW PRICES ON THE 1937 FORD V-8 60 and 85 Horsepower with Chassis and Body the same on both models PRICES ON 60 HORSEPOWER DELIVERED IN SEYMOUR FULLY EQUIPPED COUPE $584.00 TUDOR SEDAN $599.00 FORDOR SEDAN $661.00 This economy car with gasoline mileage so High that it has created an entirely new standard of economy in modern motor car operation. E. C. FRANZ CO.

FOR DEMONSTRATION PHONE-597 200-206 East Second Street ALL KINDS of INSURANCE Srouui rioox lit Scob.I St. Phona I4 109 North Chestnut Street Phonn 801. Ksytnonr. Ind. i LAWM SEEO Hedford defeated teams ol the Seymour Kecrenlionnl club at Helford Wednesday nii'lit ns Her!) Zickler (Seymour) from Hawkins (Bedford).

HolT (Bedford) won from -I)oiil'I (Seymour). Delimey (Ib-dford it heat Coondis (Seymour). Henrv Corde (Seviimur I from Kiel lev (lWilfordl. Meiilhoff Bedfurd won I'ii ih CARAMEL CORN CISF rBESH TASTY I eii a'n "''fl I ril. I'an el Demas Candy Shop FEBRUARY AND MARCH ARE THE A GREAT SINGER "Look at that reat singer cries J'hil to Tolly.

"See be i sittiiiK on a limb and sinin his brad off!" "Oh I know what be sas Polly. "His picture in niv sprllmc hook and his name NSr. it Marts with you want to a jurture of the "freater singer" take a pencil and jjin all the numbered dot together, starting with dot number one and ending with dot number twenty-seven. Color when iur-AL mUNTHo FOR SOWING VIGORO FERTILIZER FOR THE LAWN to Kinv; Seymour). -ri'Cs CHn be bl men I roin heiolo1 railio -la! eit )st ell! of I CORDES HARDWARE CO.

Phone 87. SEYMOUR, ind ik 9nri l. fhect nnd D.edde Clic s. rnonr Dailv Tribune has 1 i j- J-JU-lrXLJ i 1 'I he Wales i stur ot hi. i Cb h.

v. ill 'ic ii te stor ol he TEJIT AT LAWRENCEBURG ri IS STATE POLICE POST COUNTY YOUTH WILL APPEAR ON BROADCAST IDLE DREAMING RBsvaorrvz. EASONABI.E ZSI.KVES "t'ltidiie value thi munlh 1 1 I printed tntionerv HYTKX Iml. CHFCK a rort. 11 (- Hn rre sheet of writing pa-r 1 Blue.

I rot. (In-eii and lirinleil with vour Ntmie and drew in 'oritrntiriir ci.lors "oil 'hH Htcdei nhcet or 100 double -he. I i rid 100 eimloWM to match. $1.00. INSURANCE Fjre Automoblle--Compf nsation Bonds Burglary J.

C. HUFFMAN 605 West Fourth Phone 48C. Aniliulaiicr Lady Attejidant otbeer. are sla "i i he niHra i "I I elidbllltHtoi, IT. of 1 I el ot a' otlier oflleer.

ii bin rucks Hi 'a a ilay at ii From Seymour Barracks Stationed There Conttantly During BeJirf Work. Under of Lieut. Wj.l er'jEtkert, of the Seymour stale fxdiP pot, a state police post s. Mly 1rmmliiK Oiixinn at CallliiK. lalllni; Ik I lie khhI'I I I'illinn ibIIiiik i my hun hi I Ibe Uev I M.s.

IU-ehc aim rcceiil I iw 1 Hi tttiiiiiu a I I I 1 1 i of the ictis I lin the sennon l( the ill be conducted ''elok hundav af leriiuOri i William Schepman Is Member ot Concordia Student Body Pre- lenting Program. William Scliepman, hou of Mr. and Mtk. (leorjre SchepiuAn, who i student at Concordia Seminary, Kt. Louib, will oB a program which will be broadcast over radio station TOWER FUNERAL HOME SOI Baymoar at ldp scmiuHrv al 1 i'-dock Saturday iimrnin Ttic station operates kilocvcU-H.

'The program hviw: by tli Httidrnt bxiy of the aeiniiiary. y- i ly.ndon ha nlKtiit 000,000 tcb -iib riben. ncludimr 'M ie, oixt "silent" mrUcriUm vh.j i' 'name and number 'do not I pes'r in th 200-jjr directory. la' been established in a tent tnre th, nice in equip -rudio so tbut At tented city ot Lawrence led with jM.he, tr.

The Tribune from Seymour, Indiana (2024)


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Author: Frankie Dare

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Author information

Name: Frankie Dare

Birthday: 2000-01-27

Address: Suite 313 45115 Caridad Freeway, Port Barabaraville, MS 66713

Phone: +3769542039359

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Baton twirling, Stand-up comedy, Leather crafting, Rugby, tabletop games, Jigsaw puzzles, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Frankie Dare, I am a funny, beautiful, proud, fair, pleasant, cheerful, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.