The Tribune from Seymour, Indiana (2024)

PAGE FOUR TUESDAY, MARCH 8, 1977 SEYMOUR DAILY TRIBUNE, SEYMOUR, INDIANA Seymour Senior Citizens Meet -First-IB apllislFcbHost -Sixty Present Sixty members were present as the Seymour Senior Citizens, met Wednesday in he- social room of -Central- Christian Church. As V. B. Everdon, president, In October, 1969, the Indiana Baptist Convention was held here which is the annual meeting of the general membership of American Baptist Churches in Indiana. hosting such an event was accepted.

Last year the meeting was held in Kokomo. The successfully-hosted one of three Junior High BYF conventions in the in April, 1976, which was 'attended by about 350 churches throughout the American Baptist Convention. There are approximately 400 such churches in Indiana. The local church has been" planning for this since the spring of 1976, when the challenge and responsibility of 7 -3 Some 800 tO 1000 young people and adult advisors, are expected to attend a Baptist Youth Fellowship convention at First Baptist Church here in BYF is an organization of Baptist-related young people in congregations of member' is visiting his daughter, Mrs. Harold Fearon, Dr.

Fearon and sons, in Arizona, the meeting was conducted by Mrs. Vernon Easterday, vice presi- dentJ i Mrs, Easterday opened the meeting' with the thought, sJ Seven Attend Hamilton Fete Six members and a guest attended Monday's meeting of friendship is like sound Exchangitcs Hear Of Taxes, Projects the' Hamilton Township Con Plan Program Tom Stark, Darlene Bush, Gary Green and Mrs. Donald Waltz, left to right, gather in the office of First Baptist Church to make plans for the 33rd annual Indiana Senior High Baptist Youth Fellowship convention to be held here April 15, 16 and 17. They are the youth and adult steering committee chairmen for the event. servation Club.

Tony Mellencamp attended as a guest member. Plans were discussed to build a wood shed at 8 a. m. March 12. The rain date Is March 19.

The club voted to change a contract and to give 100 feet of club property to an adjacent property owner. Albert Stahl and Emory Hopper will, provide refreshments at the April 4 meeting of the club. health; the value of It is sel- dom known until it is lost." Mrs. Marie Mackey gave the secretary's report, and Miss Pearl Kaufman gave the treasurer's report. Miss Matilda' Lebline reported for the health committee.

Sympathy cards were sent to Mrs. Alice Walters and Mrs. Belle Fountain. A "get well" card was sent to Mrs. Gladys Stogdill, and Mrs.

Nel-' lie Richardson was reported to be back in a nursing home. Mrs. Victor Mack and Mrs. Mary Raisovich volunteered to help on a bean dinner to be held in the fall. Dinners at the Holiday Inn given to Mrs.

Lillian Toenjes and Mrs. Mabel Smith. Mrs, Minnie Baker accom- panied a sing-along led by Plans for upcoming events and a talk on taxes by James Phillips highlighted the regular weekly meeting of the Seymour Exchange, Club Monday night at the Elks Club. Club President Arno Chris- topher, who presided, an- nounced plans for. the 66th anniversary celebration of the National Exchange Club during the Indiana-Kentucky Dis-trict meeting set in Indianapolis April Christopher said reserva tions must be made with him by March 25.

Harry Luedeman, chairman of the Exchange Club's hot dog and bean supper for the Seymour Boys' Club during its annua) achievement night, announced it will be, held Tuesday, March 29. Luedeman asked members to be at the Boys' Club at 5:45 p. m. that day. The Exchange Club annually prepares and serves the supper to Boys' Club members and Thompson Dairy furnishes ice cream and drinks.

i Christopher then turned the meeting over to Charles Owens, vice president and program chairman for Monday night, who introduced Phillips. Phillips, a member of the local Exchange Club, spoke briefly on the filing of income taxes, then answered questions from the members. Christopher read thank-you notes from Bill McNeely, an Exchangite currently hospitalized, and from the Civil Air Patrol for a recent donation. The club president said he is planning to check on equip-: ment for the Exchange Club's concession stand when he is in Cincinnati later, this month. 'V Next meeting of the local service organization is set next Monday, but no meeting will be held Monday, March 28, due to the Boys'' Club supper the following night.

OES Organ Dedic Newsy Paragraph In Member's Memory Miss. Stella Gilbert and Mrs. reshment committee. They W. H.

Kaufman. and Mrs. Edwin Dedication of memory of Mrs; organ in memory of the 11,6 purchase of an organ, was were Mr. Blish and Mrs. Charles -Lis- to have been the project of Mrs late Mrs.

Velma Reutter was Newsy Paragraphs Reutter as she prepared to serve in the East. Mrs. Riehl also honored the-Order of Rainbow for Girls. Each girl present was presented with a gift from the worthy matron. Mrs.

Rjehl stated that the order man. The chapter was decorated with colors, of red, white and A large bouquet of red roses and white Fugi 'mums in white wicker rested on. the secretary's desk. In the East lay a white Bible with the Scrlphired reference of Matthew 5:9 in gold the highlight of the March meeting of Seymour Chapter; No. 134, Order of Eastern Star, held recently in the Masonic Temple.

Mrs. Jack Riehl, worthy matron, placed a gold plaque on the organ, with inscriptions" denoting that it was purchased WESTERN MEl JCJV 7 ioIIis B00XETERIA "WESTW.M THE THE" 'lb. and Savt MANY OTHERS I 1 20,000 212 SOUTH Other leeks CHESTNUT 10. OFF Te cheese freei SEYMOUR ALL NEW BOOKS HOURS 10-3-3 DAYS CLOSED WED. Admitted to Bartholomew County Hospital, Columbus, were Craig Roe, 3, of Com- miskey; Carolyn Canity, Mrs.

Richard Artis, Mrs. Pete Burton and George Edge, of Columbus R8; and Mrs, Benet Pearl, Mrs. Virgil Warnell, Mrs. Keith Bovatt. Tol-liver and Clifford Little, of North Vernon.

Released Were Bennie Deaton, David Bush, John Gregory and Kevin Rig-i don, all of Seymour; Gerald Hickman, of Austin; Beryl Lucas, of Commiskey; and Mrs. Steven Redicker and daughter, Charles Shinolt and Anne MillsTall of North Ver-" non; and Mrs. Lloyd Brum-mett, of Paris Crossing. Kitchen committee for the day included Mrs. Anna Schrenk, Mrs.

Stella King, Mrs. Howard R. Kaufman, Mrs. Walters, Mrs. Clara Weasner and Mrs.

Mary Anthony. Mrs. Kaufman gave the luncheon invocation, 'h Cake and ice cream were served to the group in honor of those having birthdays in November, December, January and February. Next meeting of the group will be March 16. Melvin Wineinger, 215 East Laurel street, returned home Sunday from Veterans' Hospital, Indianapolis, where he had been a patient since Jan.

17. and Mrs. Waymon Gas-tineau, of. Freetown, are parents Of a daughter born Sunday at Bartholomew County Hospital, Columbus. appreciated the Rainbow girls coming to the aid of the order by serving at meals the order prepared for various groups related to the Masonic body.

A embossed letters across the 'front. Behind the Bible was draped the American flag, sur- Wray's CWC Has Election "check was presented to Julie rounded WIth fern greenery. Ray, grand representative to The dining hall carried out California, to be used for the the same theme. Elks' Ladies Party Wednesday Elks' Ladies will have a card party at 7:30 p. m.

Wednesday in the downtown club. Members may make reservations by calling the club. Any Elks's wife is welcome to attend. Rainbow Order. Rainbow girls present were Julie Ray, Pansy Bryant, Anita Snyder Ann Prather, Evie Basil, Paula Brown and Kelly-Hays.

receiving special honors, as March is their birthday month for joining the order were: Mrs. Adah Elliott, Mrs. Thomas' McClellan, Mrs. Elmer Mr. and Mrs.

Robert Bennett, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Read, Mrs. Vergil Ruddick, Mrs. John Layton, Mrs.

Oscar Miller and Miss Debra Read. Each was pre--sented with a gift from the CWC o.f Wray's Christian Church met recently at-the church, with Mrs. Harry Edwards as hostess; and elected I Mrs. Richard Greathouse was elected president; Mrs. Clarence Prince, vice president; Mrs.

Chester Carroll, secretary; Mrs. Edwards, and. Mrs. Floyd Sovern, flower fund chairman. Eleven members, three children and one guest were present for the meeting, which was opened with group singing of "Have Thine Own Way," fok byMrs Edwards.

The lesson was taken from the fifth chapter of John, with Mrs. Prince as the quiz Miss Dowell Hosts EH Club Miss Rosa Dowell was hostess for the February meeting bf the Candlelight Extension Homemakers held recently at her home. Miss Anna, Mae Tiemeyer was co-hostess. Miss Tiemeyer conducted a memorial service for the late. Mrs.

Belle Cartwright, who was 'a member of the club, closing with prayer Each member paid dues in response to roll call. New yearbooks were distributed, and Pennies for Friendship were collected. USE TRIBUNE CLASSIFIED! FOR QUICK RESULTS 3,1 Closing Out 8 k. m. Jk m.

K. A is Mm. ,,9. SUSP worthy matron and given an opportunity to tell of his or her highlights of being in order. Installation Invitations were CCD SUPPLIES it" a tv ia mm it m.

read from the Columbus, winner The song of the month, ''Do- ITEMS 00 OFF "SFEEIGEIF Games -and -Crother-, Mir a which Mrs. Greathouse and vuie chapters to be held on Mrs. Waldron White reoorted lln.nh in. nH cam a 2015-2017 EWINO iaaibii ii, AJUiici vine vu March 18; Lois, Otto, Hayden, Clifford, and Hartsville chapters on March 19; Little York, Norths Vernon, Brownstown, Esther and Alert on March 28; on a council meeting, and Mrs; Ben Bommarito read a poem, "Let's Think About What Do Vou Think About January." Mrs. Sylvia Nichols gave the citizenship lesson on Irene rilinn And tha nrnianft loasin 522-7480, SEYMOUR New Generation1 Sl' Values from Vhitc-WostinghousQ 'l f255 and Milford, on March 28.

April 2has been set aside for No wuh. the district association meet out Feeling Guilty.1 New Generation -Tumble Action Washer Mrs. Larry Carroll won prizes. Reports were given, and' members answered roll call by naming their favorite spring flower. Prayer for refreshments were given by Mrs.

Prince Mrs. Chance Curry received the hostess favor. Next month's meeting will be at the church, with Mrs. Prince as hostess. ''i The board also met at the church.

Present were Mr. ahd Mrs. Richard Greathouse, Mr! and Mrs. Harry Edwards, Mr. and Mrs.

Sherman Scott, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Prince, Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Henderson, Mrs.

Sovern, Mrs. George Brock and Karen, Mrs. Curry, Mrs." Chester Carroll, Mrs. Bertha Atkins, Mrs. Chester Carroll, and Chucky, Miss Shelia Urban and a guest, Mrs.

Larry Carroll. Mrs. Clyde Hill was appointed as the club's disaster reporter and Mrs. Nick Krieger, Mrs. Nora Plumer-and Mrs.

Bommarito were chosen to help on the eye-screening project. Refreshments were served by the hostesses and Mrs. 5 washrinse temperatures i ing, to be held at North Vernon. A reception will be held for Bernice Anderson, grand representative to New Brunswick, Canada, on April 9 at Scottsburg's Masonic Temple. A memorial service was held for Alberta M.

Huffman, past grand matron and Herbert Morrison, past grand patron, mm II I I -w. if 11 mr III III 1 3 progressive deep rinses fc Multi-level water control GETTING MARMED? offer 25 ditcount to oH raflltUrad bridal en Invito-tion, napkins, plaUl, and match. PLAN TO VISIT OUR WEDDING ROOM QUILL 'fl FRILL riiaasE other flue" -WHERE THE LOVELIEST WEDDINGS BEGIN." Heavy-Duty Clothes Dryer Cross-ane tumbling llllllllll Extra-large doof opening XjT'i) tl 1 CJ-JJ I VA7vVhtt3VVbsUrho. Nichols won the hostess favor. Members present were Mrs.

Mrs. Krieger, Mrs. Emmett DeWitt, Mrs. Emmett Burrell, Mrs. Bommarito, Mrs.

-Nichols, Mrs. Virgil Perry, Mrs. William Hollowell, Mrs. Lawrence Ruddick, Mrs. John Parker, Mrs.

White, Mrs. Charles Palmer, Mrs. Lawrence Niehaus, Mrs. Plumer, Miss Roberta Ahlbrand and the hostesses. Miss Dowell and Miss Tiemeyer.

Indiana Grand OES The charter was draped for: a period of 30 days. The worthy matron thanked her pro-tern officers for the evening. They were: Robert Bennett as worthy patron, Mrs. Harry Hedges as conductress, Mrs. Kenneth L.

Fosbrink as association conductess, and Leo Thompson as She also thanked her re- Mrs. McDonald Hosts Acmettes "SHOP DOWNTOWN SEYMOUR WHERE THERE IS MORE OF EVERYTHING" A A i THE- COLD MINE tii.u.i.L In 1 Ji 1 1 VVTpwWrMllngnOUee I ENTIRE STOCK FALL WINTER FASHIONS FaT GIRLS, LADIES TEENS 17 Cu. Ft. Frost-Free Refrigerator-Freezer Space Mate Tumble Action Washer Modal 4431 8pcwvlne tolgn All Mrte MMIng WiUMmir eoniral' 1 Easy Cleaning 30" Electric-Range MeddIMM AutomitK oven HiMf dwmnblt own door Pius-out Imm Willi Space Mate Oothes Dryer MxW4740 4'4fylns Mlwtlen End-o-cyct dgnat Crow yn tufflbllng Pwtnw lor awtchlna Large capacity freezer The Acmettes met recently at the home of Mrs. Dale McDonald, whose co-hostess was Mrs.

Gertrude Melvin. Mrs. Barbara Tracy, of the Chalet Floral and Gift Shop, gave a' demonstration on flowers and their care and assembled a flower arrangement. Mrs. Hubert Boknecht received the arrangement as a hostess favor, Mrs.

McDonald read a poem for devotions. Mrs. Kenneth Johnson was awarded the mystery box. Plans were made for a trip to Indianapolis or Louisville soon. Table games were palyed, and many members received gifts from their "secret pals." Refreshments were served to Mrs.

William Webber, Mrs. Hubert Boknecht, Mrs. Kenneth Johnson, Mrs. Omer Morgan, Mrs. Harold Gorbett, Mrs.

Charles Rush, Mrs. Paul David Stogdill, Mrs. Sandy Johnson, Mrs David Monahan, Mrs. Ben Ripley, Mrs. Dale McDonald, Mrs.

Melvin, Mrs. Lonney Mitchell, Mrs. Glenn Johnson, Mrs. Herbert Mrs. Jerry Hohenstrel-ter, Mrs.

James Robertson and Mrs. Donald R. McDonald. Fully adjustable shelves Reversible door opening Never before have we been able to offer to our customers such a magnificent sale of fashionable, fine quality fashions. You'll be amazed to find so much reduction.

up tO ff Drossos, portwor, coots, knifs, sweators, gowns, robes and pnjomoei lii'i'i'1. aSPECIALS FROM MAIN yinnpr icf Qai "Plinrnfl If' Revolving Charge Our Own Customer Credit Plan Master Charge tudt on WWfye 1 1 BankAmericard American Express Money Card Diners Club Carte Blanche ENJOY "CREDIT POWER" WITH YOUR OWN GOODYEAR REVOLVING CHARGE ACCOUNT is ALL REMAINING cr.issis Including Woln Floor ft Nuggot Cottons ONLY 24 PIECES including Rogulor lgi QPEN DAILY TO 500 PJU. FRIDAY TO.9t00 JUL BILL GRAY, MANAGER 215 E. 2nd aTtMM4wFii4, smmswu. 522-1 33ft.

The Tribune from Seymour, Indiana (2024)


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Name: Merrill Bechtelar CPA

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